Thursday, May 9, 2019


Galatians 6: 1-10 

In every organisation, in every Church or nation are people behind the scenes that make things happen, but many at times such people are not noticed or known at all. In the Church, organisation are members, Workers, Elders, Deacons etc who play in some instances the men behind the scenes. for some, it works and for some, they fail. and like Pastors, we pray and ask God where our failures come from to which we attach our failures to witchcraft, to jealousy, to envious colleagues in ministry, for some cases it might seem right, for some cases it may not be so at all. 

I have between the years 2016 to 2019 been so observant to mostly the challenges I personally face on daily bases with Christians members of the church and how it affects the growth of the church Spiritually, Socially, emotionally and numerically. 

Apart from the fact that these are Christians, they also hold the responsibility of playing a watchman rule in the activities of the Church and with whom you as the Pastor is called to collaborate with them on a daily bases notwithstanding their sex, age, educational levels, habits, emotions, feelings, worries, needs etc etc...  

In some cases, these people (our Members)  consider us Pastors as example beings, to others we are role models, to others we are a source of blessings, to others we are their pre, their victims, each day as they come closer to us, to such the only see it an opportunity to destroy everything around us, but at times though we see or may notice the wicked intentions we always look for reasons to console our thoughts and feelings towards them. 

Not until February 2019, when My Father Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng while Ministering at the great harvest conference, mentioned words like, " IF YOU ARE A PASTOR AND YOU STILL HAVE THE SAME MEMBERS THAT BEGAN THE MINISTRY WITH YOU THEN YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. This fell on me like a hammer, it was Total deliverance for me and an eye-opener for me, between these years I have come  across so many betrayals but like I mentioned earlier I will see a reason to comfort myself to the fact that even though these are the people who betray me and bring headache to the ministry and the entire Church, I will always want to comfort myself that they are founding members of the Church. 

Many of us as pastors do come across such people but we end up having the same feeling as I have had years back forgetting the Bible mentions in Proverbs 3:5 to Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and  lean not unto our understanding, as Pastors we always want to have it done our own way. 

One Bible verse that hits me hard in remembrance to this all is Put not your trust in a brother for every brother is a traitor. 

With my little experience in ministry, I came to understand that Pastors are more exposed to dealing with traitors than just members of the church. we always make the mistakes of putting too much of our trust in them the members than our God. and at times we end up playing in their games of destructions without noticing because we as Pastors today we focus on the number game than making true disciples.  

Such members like papa will always say, don't let go with you, it is when they go with you that the destroy your ministry, they will change your messages, they change your focus, they limit your capacity, why because when they go, you start preaching them on your altars, again you have fear of the pieces of information that you shared secretly with them in those days when everything was going white on white.  

Just like it is in the world and some systems of governments that when a man or family has an issue with a church the laws put in place for such situations automatically changes to emotional decisions and no more the law, so too are the thoughts of the people and earthly advantages over the Pastors and mostly their callings. this aspect makes it at times difficult to handle some of these cases in the church the right way at the right moment. (Proverbs 3:5) 

Permit me to share this with you, In April 2016, was a misunderstanding in my family, and after I had taken the Issue before God, he revealed the whole fight to me, but rather unfortunate I was not only considered a lier but was as well labelled with the accusation of being the person instigating other family members. to the point where I was locked up for 9 days straight in 3 different cells, with an additional accusation of being a fake prophet. and days later I was summoned in court with changes upon me for haven bitting up an elderly Person to the point where It was said I break his bones, It was said I dislocated his eyes and that I vowed to kill him. without asking for my own version the administrative body that was responsible to handle the matter took self emotional decisions after having jailed me, two days after they closed the church.

I remember the first day appeared in court, the Chief Judge, looked at me called me Pastor, and even before I answered I heard him say words like Pastor I must send you to jail. and when I asked for what charges. he mentioned :

1) Bitting up a 76 years old man 
2) Running a Church without Authorisation
3) Claiming to be a Pastor while you are not 
4) Treating to kill an old man in his rights 

all in all, I had 4 counts on me but had no means to define myself as the law could not take the real steps. the irony in this all is the fact that some Christians and Church members who knew the truth and very close people around me immediately changed their camps against me. I heard a Christian celebrating with words like this is what we have been waiting for all these years. Immediately even some Elders and mothers of the church who visited me in custody asking some questions and every answer I gave they used it for the favour of the opposite camp.  

Now again I remember that be it  in court or in custody, where hardened criminals, whose matters some was the case of murder, kidnapping, raping, stealing etc. but their matters were not heard in the public, I remember that these guys could go out for fresh air or again where authorised to take their bath but I was refused anything of such. I remember the day I took a Bath was on the 20th of May 2016, Rosemary my late babe sister had to pay the sum of  100 Dollars part of her last salary before she died. 

In court, I needed eyewitnesses who were present to testify that I did not touch the old man or push him but again those who could stand as my witnesses children of God and church members turned again in support of the opposite side.  my lovely mother, who through this confusion in the family had buried before now 3 of her daughters 2 of them in the pastoral call, was moving from place to place, cell to cell, from one courtroom to the other in her old age with my sister, in the process of moving up and down trying to plead justice in my favour as all was set and done for me to go to jail for 6 years. that week of my babe sister Rosemary fell ill, dead right on my arms. my mother sited at her feet crying.

Then at the knowledge of her death, the truth began coming out, I was set for 6 years for a crime I never committed, I lust my Junior sister while she was trying, fighting day after day to make sure the truth is heard concerning my matter, she lost her job, 2 weeks before she died. that was when the chief judge called for me and it was the first time in 4 months that I was given the opportunity to speak in court. and I lived every day of my life in pains, in total betrayal by family members and church members. my pain was my sister Rosemary who slept at the mautory for 4 months until the day the old man spoke the truth himself in court that I did not beat him, but that it was a means of sending the church away from the quarter, that we were disturbing their reams. and my baby sister rosemary could be buried. May her soul rest in peace. 

Two years without a place of worship, the Christians each separated, each going to his/her own place, by the grace of God some of them stayed by with me, we began worshipping in my late baby sisters house, Rosemary. and we grow to a unit of over 32 souls, by the grace of God, we relocated to a place that could abare 100 souls. a good number of people joined us and the new ministry like I love calling it started in February 2018 and so rapidly the more days advanced the lesser was the numerical growth. until my father Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng raised his voice and we grow again in numerically until the place become smell for us and we had to relocate. based on this story I have observed that for true witchcraft can destroy a church or ministry but this 14 sets of Christians are people that I have observed in the years past. these people are more than witchcraft when you have them in your congregation. you shall have to rest, no peace, no focus.                                                                       
1. Position seekers

Pastors, such people when they come to church, they struggle to be submissive to the pastor, such people are always gifted givers, that is not all such people are always complaining about the services of others. Just like my Father Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng will always say; such Christians don't change their names too soon. Papa will always advise son don't give a man a position in the church because he is a gift giver. 

Pastor such persons even when you give them a position they will not even work instead they will be using the positions to maltreat others in the church.   

2. Over spiritual and God called members 

Pastors this category of people are Christians who everybody in the Church knows they are spirit-filled, they know how to pray in church, they pretend to have a relationship with God whereas the flame in them is to raise fame.  such Members are not too different from members in number 5 below. when you want to correct them or rebuke them, the next thing you hear is that you are jealous of their calling, you don't want them to grow, such people are self-centred, everything good should involve them, all testimonies in Church should bear they names...... When brother A.B.C Prayed for me When Sister A.B.C gave me the prophecy...everything should be them.  be careful Pastors when such Christians are not quickly noticed in Church or well-handled they introduce sin on the altars of our congregations. such Spirit-filled members will always promise marriage to their victims as a result of keeping them close to them, others, before you noticed, had slept with all the sisters/Brothers in the church by starting smell, smell prayer groups in the church and in homes to suit their wicked desires.      

3. Members who are claiming to be Financial pillars 

Pastors such members when they are in your Church, everything concerning the money they will always want to lead, they will always want others to know they are the givers. that when it comes to monetary issues there are the ones to handle or solve the issues. just like number 1 above, but such people have a way to destroy the church, they draw the attention of Christians towards them, by so doing they enslave the church to their services. People in the congregation will hear from them, take instructions from them. if well noted such people will always convert their victims from one church to the other.  

Pastors some of them go as far as requesting the pastor or the Church to give back the chairs they brought/bought.

Pastors must be careful with such people, they use their money to impose on the programmes  of the church, some of them decides the faith of your Visiting Pastors, sometimes you will invite a Pastor the will pure money on the visiting Pastor before you know it Your Guest the visiting pastor is no more taking or collaborating with you but works the way the financial church pillars want. 

They will have connections with your visiting Pastors/ Guest Pastors and your ministry, Church and Congregation is a direct pre to the new circle of friendship. That is to say, they will start attending service in the church of the other Pastor, sending their Tithes, Seeds and more to the Church and very soon they start Chosen days of worship in your church, and little by little those who are victimised or carried away by their money will play a rule of evil publishers to your ministry or Church. 

Pastors majority of these so-called financial Pillars in our Churches have never been followed up Spiritually, because of the role they play in the Church we always forget that they have not been groomed. at times we kill our gifts of discernment towards them to the fear of losing them and at the end of it all, we ourselves apply number 1 above so that they should not leave our churches.  many of them can't handle the pieces of information we as Pastors share with them and at the end of it all the same pieces of information they use it as a weapon against your ministry, the Church, Your Family etc.. 

Pastors you can bear with me that when we take the time to groom them by them receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost they become useful for the kingdom in the fear of God and some even become our assistants because they carry the spirit of disciples. My counsel to us Pastors is that when such categories of members are in our congregations' let us groom them and make them disciples and not ATM machines. if not they will be like Delilah was to Samson, they will always pay you money to know your strength and your week points.         

4. Foundation members

 Na we start this church, this category always claims they know the pastors' personal life then everybody, such members don't love seeing new members in church mostly members who are devoted to kingdom service.

such members will always discourage others, destroy or bring down the zeal of others to work, Note pastors such members don't like being members of any department in Church. they look like those in number 6 below.   

5. Members who are Little prophets and prophetess 

Nor be only pastor dey see visions for this church, me dey see too. And they will be moving from house to house to give revelations to people. 

Before you notice it such Christians will be backed up by their victims and so soon they will start a prayer cell in the home of one of the congregants' for the anointed little prophet, as his/her mission comes to your hearing, the so-called little prophet will so soon have a vision about you and the church that you are fake, or using magic on the people, my Pastor Brothers such members are so destructive take care.   

6. Troublesome members 

A troubled church is a stagnated church, keep trouble away from your church.

7. Members who organize groups outside your church

They always end up becoming G.O's

8. Members with private prophets/prophetess outside your church

9. Members who use your church to do their business 

Any Financial transactions that have no connection with your church should be resisted, it's very dangerous to church growth because if they quarrel, you lose everyone involves.

10. Members who belong to different churches

- First service 6am in Catholic our family church

- Second service 8am in another (in the name of my spouse church)

- Third service 10am another Church ( in the name of my prophet's church)

- The fourth service with you and they still claimed membership

11. Workers who don't belong to departments

- He/she a Music minister but not in the choir

- He/she a pastor/Evangelist but does not belong to a department

- He/she a Deacon, Deaconess, Elder etc but does not belong to departments

- He/she always a visiting Pastor/Evangelist / Elder etc. not a member of the Church but always there and always brings corrections in your Church in the name of in our Church this is what we do

*** Daddy in the lord, wake up you are running a dangerous ministry because an idle mind is Satan's workshop. 

12. Members who are members because of what you are doing for them 

Such members always say: 

- I am here because Daddy promised to marry me 
- Pay my house rent 
- Pay my children's school fee
- Take care of me 
- Help me get a job or connection
- Borrow me money for business or visa etc.... 

They are there for the help, my Pastor reading this article delay the help they will relocate to another church and prophet the next month by trying to destroy your, ministry with fack news, evil publishers.

13. Members who want to hijack the church from your hand 

You are the pastor, but a particular member or worker is reigning inside the church more than you, my Pastor brother you have lost your church. 

Pastors, such members are always close to the Pastor and they always feed others with the wrong idea's concerning the main pastor, such Christians play the rule of peacemakers, while agents of destruction. barware of such brothers and sisters in your congregations. draw limits with such people.     

14. Fast food members and timekeepers.....

Anything outside ceremony, count them out and if they manage to attend service they will be looking at the time. with complains such  as I could have been in a family meeting now, or again this church closes too late

Consider number 10 above, such Christians will always make reference of other  Churches, here them tell other Christians, I have attended 4 churches today, but this one stays so long, they don't end there, some go as far as telling the Christians (Number 12) if not that Daddy has promised me..... I will not more be coming here

Pray, watch and take actions on time when you notice these persons in the church 

Attack fast through teaching, discipline, one on one counselling, prayer especially fasting and open rebuke. (Proverbs 27:5-7) 


You can only deceive me once, the second one is my fault. (ECCLESIASTES 10:10)

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