Monday, January 4, 2021


Text: Mark 2:1-12

Everyone has a purpose for being created whether a man or a woman. We are all destined to fulfil one specific thing or the other. Destiny is our mission in life. 

In order to fulfil it, there are helpers assigned to help us accomplish a greater thing in life. At the same time, there are helpers assigned to help us get out of the problem(s) that have been battling with us, either in academics, marriage, finances, health, etc.

 The man in our text is a typical example of a man who needs helpers to get out of his situation. He was a paralyzed man, sick for many years that only God known. But those that have assigned for his healing carried their mission successfully.


 1. They were not weary until they fulfilled their mission. As they were not nauseating, I pray that your helper with not be wary until they finish helping you.

 2. They were not tired until they finished their helping assignment with him.

 3. They did not see it as a burden but see it as a responsibility that must be done by them.

 4. They make sure that they brought the man to where he should be.

 5. They saw to it that the man becomes what he should be.


  1. The man they help got to where he should be. The man was laid down at the presence of Jesus Christ- Luke 5:19. There is a place that God wants you to be, you will be there with the help of your helpers.

 2. The man was ahead of other people. Hundreds of people had been in the house where Jesus was, but the man that brought late is ahead of them. It was the story of the man that was noted majorly in the journey of Jesus Christ there. When divine helpers help you, you will surely be ahead of others that have started before you. In your office or place of work, when God raise your helpers to help you, you must superior than other people. You must be an achiever more than your colleagues.

3. He got what he should get – Solution to his problem. Forgiveness and healing is the major needs of the man, and he got it. I want you to take note of one thing: the helpers of the man have it in mind for man to be healed, but Jesus Christ makes additional need (forgiveness of sins) to it. There some things you but you don’t know them, but God know them and He will surely give them to you.

 4. His enemies were put to shame. Luke 5:25-26. Some of the people that were there did not want the man to be healed or freed from his problem were later disappointed. God will disappoint your enemies in your presence.

Exodus 2:1-8

  • Moses was a destiny child. The mother hid him for three months until she could no longer hide him. He was born at a critical time but met with Pharaoh’s daughter who helped him.

A rather significant story is recorded in 1 Samuel 10:1-2.  Saul went in search of Prophet Samuel because of the loss of his father’s donkey. After Samuel anointed Saul, the higher anointing restored his loss and he said to Saul “When you leave me today, you will meet two men near Rachel’s tomb, at Zelzah on the border of Benjamin. They will say to you, ‘The donkeys you set out to look for have been found.” By divine arrangement, after leaving the presence of the Prophet, two strangers were strategically positioned to give Saul good news


  • Life is about God linking you up with your destiny helpers.
  • In life, there are 2 kinds of people you will ever meet. Destiny helpers and destiny killers.
  • When God links you up with your destiny helpers your tears will be converted to joy, your torment to peace, your labour to favour, your pain to gain and your Goliath becomes your stepping stone to the place of celebration.
  • A great prayer to pray daily is, O Lord make me invisible to all my destiny killers and make me visible to all my destiny helpers.
  • Destiny killers are those who always wonder can anything good come out of this life? they say this with their mouth, their attitude and their actions.
  • Destiny killers always see the negative side of you and are always out to discourage your efforts.
  • No man can by himself fulfil his destiny. Everyone needs a destiny helper.
  • Jesus did not walk alone. He had 12 helpers who promoted his destiny.


When you meet them, your life will move from zero to hero.

They are agents of change, agents of transformation, agents of elevation, agents of enlargement, agents of promotion and agents of an uncommon breakthrough.

God will not physically come down and help you. He will send people to you so be alert to discern their presence.

Your destiny helpers are strategically positioned to help you arrive at your expected end.


1)    I met a man when returning from Jos on the 3rd of March 2014. He shared this story. He wanted to go abroad by all means and he decided to go through Libya by Vehicle. He boarded a desert jeep to convey him and others across the desert to Spain. The Vehicle got spoilt at the middle of the desert and the driver escaped. They finished all the food they had and for the next two weeks, they drank their own urine and became very weak. About 11 of them died. The ones still alive decided to put fire on the jeep and desert warriors came to their rescue when they saw the smoke. Gave them food and after they recovered asked them if they want to return or continue their journey. He declines and returned back to Nigeria. He is a pastor today.

2)    A man lost his job when the wife was 7 months pregnant. He was a good driver and at seven months the wife asked him to start buying baby things. He went to work and the owner of the taxi told him that he was financially down and decided to sell the vehicle as his last option. The man pleaded and the owner asked him if he was ready to buy. The man became jobless and became a motor park loader of vehicle. What he gets can hardly feed the family. The ninth month came and they wife called him to take her to hospital and he looked for a friend to help. The car spoilt at a rich man’s house and they pushed and the car refused to start. The rich man called him and asked what is wrong, he explained and was told to take a brand new wagon 504 and he went to the hospital the wife delivered. He decided to return the car, the rich man then went in and brought the particulars and gave the man the car for free. And supported him with 100 thousand which he used to settle the medical bill and his life changed.

3)    Young shall grow motors was a vulcanizer who barely got a job often. One day a man’s brought a jeep and asked him to look at the tyre that was down. He discovered that it was a nail that pierced through it. He removed it and fixed the tyre.  The man asked him the amount and he said he should pay whatever he feels that since morning that was the only job. The man asked him if he can sell tyres and the following week brought tyres and asked him to sell and return the money. He then linked him up and from tyre distributor he now owns the young shall grow motors. Every year he visits the family of the man even though the man is late now. He was his destiny helper.

4)    Massoma learnt a trade of spare parts in Tiko South West Region of Cameroon and the master sent him to the village that he will settle him later but never did. Massoma’s mother waited and after some months decided to sell their piece of land and spate on Massoma’s hand and prayed that he will succeed. Massoma came to Douala and started hawking baby wears and one woman saw his zeal, called him and offered him wares of about 100,000Frscfa  and told him to pay when he finish selling. Massoma was faithful and she gave him 200.000Frcs and Months after he made it to 2million. Massoma now got a big store at Marche de Fame and later travel to Switzerland and married a white lady. He came to Cameroon and went to Tiko and learnt that the master who refused to settle him that his business has fallen and fire gutted his store and was hospitalized at the CDC Hospital. He went to see him and the master confessed that God is punishing him for his wickedness. Massoma said he pushed him to his destiny. He gave the master 5million to start business again before going back to Switzerland.  

3 things that can happen to your destiny helpers

  1. They may not show up at all.
  2. They can be missed.
  3. They can be killed.

Witchcraft powers can make sure they are wrongly positioned so they never get to you.

Destiny Connecting Prayers

  1. Power of God hooks me to my destiny helpers in Jesus name.
  2. Lord Jesus hook my destiny helpers to my destiny in Jesus name.
  3. The person that doesn’t know me, begin to fight my cause in Jesus name.
  4. Blood of Jesus link me up with my helpers in Jesus name.
  5. O Lord work things out in my favour in Jesus name.
  6. Thou power of the serpent saying no to my manifestation die in Jesus name.
  7. Every witchcraft gathering assigned against my good news scatter in Jesus name.
  8. My stolen crown be returned and be restored by fire in Jesus name.
  9. The agenda of the enemy to disgrace me be converted to promotion in Jesus name.
  10. O Lord arise and link me up with my destiny helpers in Jesus name.
  11. If I be a child of God let my helpers locate me in Jesus name.
  12. My manifestation cannot be stopped. I decree that my star shall shine, my voice will be heard, my enemies shall bow, I shall dance, I shall sing, I shall move forward and I shall breakthrough in Jesus name.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you Apostle
It's rich and edifying
Happy new year