Thursday, January 21, 2021



Day 16 January 21:

In a clear term, the purpose of this prayer exercise is to destroy the spirit of permanent delays in our lives. We strongly believe, however, that the Lord will help us during this fasting exercise. The time of the fasting is short to give us the time to do the prayers very well. In addition, Jesus Christ has told us that, that cycle of permanent delays in the life of that person reading this will experience a new wave of progress, progress in your place of work, progress in your dreams, progress in your finances, progress in your marriage, progress in your spiritual life, progress in your relationship with God.

Isaiah 55:8-9, ”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Genesis 12:1, ”The Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family, and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.”

Deuteronomy 4:25-28, When thou shalt beget children, and children’s children and ye shall have remained long in the land, and shall corrupt yourselves, and make a graven image, or the likeness of anything, and shall do evil in the sight of the Lord thy God, to provoke him to anger: I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that ye shall soon utterly perish from off the land whereunto ye go over Jordan to possess it; ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall utterly be destroyed. And the Lord shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen, whither the Lord shall lead you. And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.”

There are divine delay and satanic delay. God can delay a person’s destiny for many good reasons. While Satan can place a person in the pit of permanent stagnation.

In Job 1:12 , ”And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord”.

The Bible clearly told us in Job 2:3, ”So they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spake a word unto him: for they saw that his grief was very great”.

The story of Job is an example of a servant of God that has suffered hardship. Do we say God is wicked to have given Satan the freedom to attack him? Our God does something with a purpose and in order to build, empower and make us mature. Sometimes, God can delay a person for the following reasons: Sin, unforgiving, blasphemy etc.

In addition, God wanted to know how Job will respond to the divine test. During this period, Job’s wife was another devil in his household whom Satan was using as a tool to force Job to curse God and die.

Meanwhile, Satan has fired some kinds of arrows in the life of Job, to the point of losing his children and wealth. How sad! God has used Job’s story to teach us that suffering or stagnation is not always related to the devil alone as it can come from God to checkmate our state of faith John 16:33.

Deuteronomy 2:1-3, ”Then we turned, and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea, as the Lord spake unto me: and we compassed mount Seir many days. And the Lord spake unto me, saying, Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward”.

Can you imagine? The Lord said they have stayed so long in the wrong environment, the wrong relationship, etc and make necessary changes to opt-out. Hmmm

Satanic delay is another point we are going to look now. We all know that too much of delays in a person’s life can cause serious setbacks and destruction. It is possible for a person to be moving forward and yet he is taking many steps backwards.

Backwardness is proof that a person is cursed by a familiar spirit. How can you predict the life of a university graduate from the Department of Medicine and ended up his career working like a slave for his junior as a security guide? God forbid bad thing!

To understand this context better, permanent stagnation has shown to be reasons why many people are frustrated, disappointed and confused. The devil can baptize the glory of a woman to be attracted only to wrong men or married men for that matter in order to delay her for so long until she realizes that she has been dealing with the wrong man. Hmm.

As a Christian, we must make sure that the spirit of stagnation must be fought to the very last. Perhaps, prayer to break the yoke of stagnation is the right prayers to be set free from troubles and calamities. God loves people that make progress with the support of the Holy Spirit, but when a person finds it hard to obtain victory and achievement in his career then it becomes a critical issue the person must look into.

The spirit of stagnation has robbed many of their divine progress. To remain in the area of permanent stagnation is to be disconnected from the flow of heaven.

There are young people of today whose destinies have been cut short or delayed by forces of darkness.

They work hard and achieve little or no gain. Time will not permit me to x-ray all these causes here because we must go into serious prayers shortly.

Take this prayer: I remove my names from the list of stagnated people in my family.

Do you love the prayers? Let’s continue with our teaching… When you see a person who has a great talent or working in a good organisation where the promotion has never got to him, know that the person’s destiny is disturbed by foundational powers. These foundational powers can spit out curses that will bring back the person to the place of limitation.

This is a point where the news of breakthrough and testimony will not be heard from these people. For example, when a person is plagued or operating in the anointing of prolonged delay, there will be no record or sign of God’s blessing in his life.

The enemy will make sure that the person will not be able to move forward, marry and prosper. Divine progress is one of the signs that indicate that God’s mercy is with a person. Have you ever seen people in the prison? Their only limitation is the freedom to see the world. That’s how demons have kept many people’s destiny in the cage of permanent delay.

They prayed, no way. They fasted, no way. They shouted praises, no way. They began to ask God many questions which I cannot produce all here because of time. In this condition, it takes the Man of war to come down and release you. We cannot pretend to be suffering and smiling and yet nothing is happening to us as a believer.

Revelation 10:6, ”And sware by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:”

Isaiah 40:31, ”But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint”.

INSTRUCTION: Write your names, your partner names, your children names etc in a piece of paper and begin to rebuke the spirit of delay in their lives. Pray it harder, please!!!!

1) Thank you, Jesus, for this fasting programme.
2) Father, have mercy on me and let my stagnation ends today, in Jesus name.
3) Father, if this prolongs stagnancy is from you, O Lord, forgive me.
4) God of signs and wonders accelerate my progress this month in Jesus name.
5) Powers that anointed my hands and legs with permanent delays, break by fire, in Jesus name.
6) Red Sea that swallowed people’s progress at the edge of their success, dry up by fire.
7) Ye Pharaoh of my destiny, I command you in the name of Jesus, let me go.
8) Father show me the way where there seems to be no way, in Jesus name.
9) Every curse of permanent stagnation in my life, break by fire, in Jesus name.
10) The wicked people in my family that have succeeded in destroying my glory, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, destroy them by fire, in Jesus name.
11) I receive the anointing of double speed, in Jesus name.
12) Spirit of procrastination affecting God’s agenda for my life, depart from me now, in Jesus name
13) No power shall monitor my movement again as from today, in Jesus name.
14) By the power in the blood of Jesus, I receive my total freedom from the cage of permanent delay, in the name of Jesus.
15) All those that are delaying my marriage, finances, businesses etc, today is your day of affliction, receive your day of death, in the name of Jesus.
16) Lord Jesus, work on my speed this year, in the name of Jesus.
17) Every evil dream that introduced the spirit of long term affliction in my life, I nullify you today.
18) Every foundational household wickedness that has amputated the legs of my progress, die by fire.
19) Holy Ghost fire destroy anything that makes your promises to fail in my life in Jesus name.
20) Father, if my destiny has been in Egypt for many years without my knowledge, By Your mercy, take me out into my Promised Land, in the name of Jesus.
21) Every spirit of fear that is fighting against my early success, go away by fire, in the name of Jesus.
22) Arrows of permanent stagnation affecting my destiny, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
23) I refuse to stay in a house of permanent delays, in the name of Jesus.
24) Sand of delay trapping down my progress gradually, roast by fire, in Jesus name.
25) Every anointing of sluggishness at the edge of breakthrough, dry up and expire, in Jesus name.
26) Lord Jesus, remove strange curses attached to my hands and legs, in Jesus name.
27) Every generational curses covering my original blessings, promotion, nominations, increase, announcement, break by fire, break by fire, break by fire.
28) The children of Israelites suffered delays for 430 years in the land of Egypt. I decree, that will never be my portion and that of my children, in Jesus name.
29) Father, if this prolonged delay is as a result of my sin of the past or the evil in my family which has made you not to listen to me again, O Lord, raise me up by Your eye of mercy, in Jesus name.
30) Every wasted Hours, Days, Weeks, months, seasons, years, opportunities, be restored by fire, in the name of Jesus.
31) Strongman of delay attaching themselves with my glory since the day I was born, die by fire.
32) From henceforth, the veil of delay upon my life is over today, in Jesus name.
33) Every pattern of stubborn delay in my family, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
34) Every foundational power, holding down my progress unaware, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
35) You strongman of delay in my life, I am no more your candidate, you have two options, it is either you destroy yourself or you expose yourself, in Jesus name.
36) Pray for Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn, team, church and partners.
37) Thank you Jesus for answered prayers.


Prayer Time: 12pm – 3pm (No food or water).

Proverbs 26:27,”Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.”

Exodus 14:24-25,”And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the Lord looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the Lord fighteth for them against the Egyptians”.

John 8:36,”If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”.

INSTRUCTION: Look at your room mirror and begin to declare good things into your life

1) Whoever, wherever the curse of permanent delay has been issued against me, go back to the sender now, in the name of Jesus.
2) Every spirit of delay fighting against my glory be defeated by the power in the blood of Jesus.
3) My m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e under locked and key by strange powers, open by fire, in Jesus name.
4) I wash away every mark of stagnation upon my body, in the name of Jesus.
5) I release myself from every evil bondage of stagnation, in the name of Jesus.
6) Angels of God announce my progress this month, in the name of Jesus.
7) Father, let this stagnation be dead in my life. I am tired of dwelling in land of no progress.
8) My glory, steering at me at the evil altar, by Holy Ghost and fire, jump out and locate me.
9) God, destroy every curse of permanent delay issued against me by the wicked, in Jesus name.
10) Cobweb of my father’s house and mother’s house, blocking my progress, catch fire, in Jesus name.
11) Generational serpents, idols, lizards, releasing curses upon my career, backfire, in Jesus name.
12) I break every curse of permanent delay in knowing my future partner, in Jesus name.
13) I break every curse of permanent delay in gathering my successes, in the name of Jesus.
14) I break every ancestral curse of permanent delay in discovering my talents, in Jesus name.
15) I break every idolatry curse of permanent delay in fulfilling my own destiny, in Jesus name.
16) Any spirit of go slow operating in my life, die by fire, in Jesus name.
17) Every power baptizing my destiny with the spirit of the snail, you are a liar, die, in Jesus name.
18) Spirit of stagnation of my father’s house, open your mouth and release my stars, in Jesus name.
19) The mistake of my parents will not contribute to my slow progress in life, in Jesus name.
20) Every house of demotion stealing my progress and opportunities in life, Jesus Christ, help me to pack out from the house, in Jesus name.


22) I break every curse of the wicked waiting for me at the gate of my breakthroughs, in Jesus name.
23) Enemy of my progress, issuing curses of hopelessness upon my marriage, carry your load.
24) The cloth that my friend borrowed me that has stolen my blessings be restored back, in Jesus name.
25) Any power using my shoes to delay my speedy progress is arrested by fire, in Jesus name.
26) Tree of witchcraft in my father’s side, blending my glory to their taste, catch fire, in Jesus name.
27) I separate my destiny from the curse of limitations, in the name of Jesus.
28) I will not fall sick before the day heaven will announce me, in Jesus name.
29) Every sexual dream or sexual immorality with this man/woman that is delaying my blessings, mercy of God, restore my salvation, in Jesus name.
30) Father, do a thing in my life that will make my heaven know that you are with me in this battle, in the name of Jesus.
31) Every evil food causing setback and failure at the edge of my success is neutralized by the blood of Jesus.
32) Heaven of my marriage and progress open by fire in the name of Jesus.
33) Every unfriendly friend wasting away my precious time, be arrested by the Holy Spirit.
34) Every curse that has put me in a pit, Holy Spirit, take me out by fire, in Jesus name.
35) Every curse issued against others that are now bouncing back on me, Father, forgive me.
36) By the blood of Jesus, I break every satanic embargo on my hands, legs, in Jesus name.
37) Pray for Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn, lift up you voice to the Lord, ask God to destroy any altar of delay in his life in the name of Jesus.
38) Thank you, Jesus, for answered prayers


Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn
Snr. Pst. Arena of God Ministries
Douala - Cameroon

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