Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Dear beloved,


If God is for you who can be against you?


Oh, it’s December 2020! How quickly the year has progressed. I believe these calls for thanksgiving.


But for some it isn’t quite as expected: there are still unmet expectations and desires. Nevertheless, I’m sure there are still reasons to give thanks. After all, it’s the livings that praise the Lord.

The year has indeed been a challenging one in all aspects of life, be it home or abroad. We all witness lockdowns around the nations of the globe, making life very unbearable for thousands. All plans you had for the year all want in vain.

Many this Year 2020 lost their jobs, Plans for marriages were cancelled, travelling plans, Educational plans etc, all this has kept many perplexed asking selves questions without answers as the entire world seems to have stopped functioning, with no one really able to explain to  us what is truly going on actually on the surface of the earth. Governments are confused, frustrated, as many economies are pulled down, yet when it seems like it will be okay soon, things turn to disfavor your plans. You ask yourselves about the prophetic messages you had at the start of the year, what has become of it, some of your took loans for projects and businesses with December being your target. For such December is not welcomed, but I announce to you that December will be your month of answered prayers, Our good God will remember you this December in the name of Jesus.

December 2020, is our month of Shiloh, the mountain of Answered Prayers.

Remember the story of Hannah in the bible, Hannah went to Shiloh every year with the expectation of having a child, from year to year nothing changed in her life. One good thing about Hannah is that she never gave up. That is why I want to congratulate everyone of your that is reading this message today, just like Hannah thousands of you had not given up, its true 5 years ago your trusted God for a Miracle yet nothing happened, every year is like the previous one no testimony, nothing to show forth, you have become a mockery to your family, colleagues, friends, and even to your church just like Hannah.

But this particular Shiloh, this Particular December is not going to be like others in the name of Jesus, that year Hannah went extra miles, she go pass the post and prayed like never before and  her debts were paid, her house rents were settled, unemployment was over, all her cancelled project were approved again by the Lord. You are next in line.

“In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head… So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”    1 Samuel 1:10-11, 20.

Hannah’s story is one of the most well-known stories of faith-filled women mentioned in the Bible. Her longing for a child, and dark season of waiting, has brought countless women (and men) to pore over these pages of 1 Samuel chapters 1-2. At that time in the Bible, barrenness brought deep shame upon a family. Because children were counted as God’s blessing, to encounter infertility was a difficult burden for any couple to bear.   

You are going through things you can’t bear, draw nearer to Shiloh the mountain of answered prayers and your case will surely be different as you hold on to the horns of the altar as Hannah did, by going extra miles, crying to your maker he will answer you in the name of Jesus.