Tuesday, June 1, 2021






Bible verses: 1 Corinthians 14:3 , Isa 40:31, Isa 43:2, Prov 3:5-6, 2 Cor 1:3-4, Isa 41:10, John 14:27, John 16:33, Ps 27:1, 2 Tim 1:7


By the Special Grace of God, we are privileged by God to see this new and 6th month of the year 2021. Congratulations to us all.


My beloved, 2021 is a challenging year, and as soon as the year began we have recorded all shout of unbearable incidents and occurrences, some amongst which is the increase in deaths due to coronavirus, Natural deserters, floods, wars, Kidnapping of Children and killing of Children, etc. some of the happenings were predictions and Prophecies that were giving by God’s Servants around the globe and we are seeing them happing and manifesting.


We all see these things becoming real, we are enveloped by an atmosphere of fear and discouragements thinking all is over and that there is no way forward, but I want to announce to you reading these words this 1st of June 2021 that all is not over with your life, just as these prophetic words are manifesting for nature, nations, Business, world economy so too is a PROPHETIC WORD that will manifest from this month for your favour.


Despite the ways things are on reality or in the spiritual realm, it is possible that your life will make a meaning and be a source of testimony to others. It doesn’t matter how your life is presently, what the Lord is looking at is your glorious destiny.


The issue is that today many people are not ready to follow prophetic directions/instructions but they want a prophetic word. For example, when Elisha met the old woman in the time of famine, he gave her an instruction and a direction to follow which made her survive the famine.


Just as Elisha did, I am going to share with you some prophecies for this month of June 2021 that will break all forms of failures, captivity and limitations in your life and this year 2021.


Frankly speaking, everyone has a purpose to fulfil in life and in order to fulfil your purpose, there must be a special prophetic word or declaration to you from above. God can use any anointed servant of God to fast track your destiny through prophesy.


In addition, Prophetic words are as powerful as prophetic instructions and prophetic directions. Why? Because the book of Amos 3:7 said,” Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”


A lot of people have been going to churches to receive prophecies. It is very unfortunate that the prophetic words are yet to manifest in their lives. Immediately, they conclude that God has no agenda or word for their precarious situations.


Do you know some prophetic words takes time to manifest? Any person operating on prophetic instruction with strong believe and practice go very far as much as people who are faithless.


Jesus met a man who was born blind and He gave him a direction and an instruction which brought about his healing (John 9; 1-8).


We can also see in 2 Kings 5:1-7 when Elisha gave a prophetic direction and instruction to Naaman the Syrian to go and wash in the River Jordan and he received his healing. The anointing of God in prophecies has the power to change lives overnight.


God has anointed some men of God to release the seed of our prophetic words. When a man is blessed, the man carries the grace of God that disgrace demons and releases him to supernatural breakthrough.


This month of June 2021 prophetic declarations are loaded to bring good tidings and perfection in our lives. I also decree that every hopeless situation in your life will be over, in Jesus name!


Despite the ways things are on the reality or in the spiritual realm, it is possible that your life will make a meaning and be a source of testimony to others. It doesn’t matter how your life is presently, what the Lord is looking at is your glorious destiny.


Hold on strong this month of June 2021, don’t let the devil lie to you, remember God loves you and he wants the best for you.....


Your past and present prophecies will surely manifest in the name of Jesus.


(C). Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn

Douala 1st June 2021


1- The month of June 202 1 is your month of marching to greatness, Promised Land, and stardom.

2- The spirit of late marriage is arrested this month of June 202 1, so receive our marital keys, in Jesus name.

3- Every home under the attack of foundational problem will backfire, in Jesus name.

4- Those that gossip you and remove your name from promotion list shall celebrate you.

5- Anyone set for marriage, as the Lord liveth, whose I am and whom I serve; your season of settlement has come this month of June 202 1, in Jesus name.


6- Whether they like it or not, your enemies from their coven will declare” Let’s release him/her now before the Lord kills us ooo !”


7- Throughout this month of June 202 1 beginning from now, every issue in your marriage shall be mercifully corrected by the Almighty God.


8- In your dream, they will be disappointed and as you are waking up shame and disappointment is their portion in Jesus name.


9- By the decree of heaven, may the Lord hide your end from your enemies lest they harm or kill you before your time in Jesus name.


10- The problem in your root will not cage your progress, marriage and joy in Jesus name.


11- Any man or woman that says they must harm you, they must delay you, they must disgrace you, they must cage your womb, they must bring you down, they must put hardship and poverty in your life, they will end up in the grave, in Jesus name.


12- I decree that your family shall experience peace, love and the joy of the LORD.

13- Every bad news prepared for you shall be cancelled by the blood of Jesus.

14- Those waiting for you to be their slave before they can help you, within 72 hours, the Lord will change your status like Joseph, in Jesus name.

15- Whatever is standing between you and your destiny helpers or between you and your marriage partner causing frustration in your life shall give way, in Jesus name.

16- Every mobile curse pursuing you from house to house, church to church, job to job shall break by fire, in Jesus name.

17- Every expectant mother in the house praying for the fruit of the womb and babies, rejoice now, the Lord is answering your prayers this month of June 202 1, in Jesus name.

18- I destroy all evil patterns working for others to eat. You must eat the fruit of your labour this month of June 202 1 in Jesus name.

19- Whatever is your heart desire, whatever pains or agony that you are nursing right now, I declare by the anointing that breaks the yoke that the Lord shall meet you at the points of your needs in Jesus name.

20- By the blood of Jesus, receive the grace to walk in righteousness, holiness and heaven conscious, in Jesus name.

21- Every day of this month of June 202 1 shall be for outstanding testimony, celebration and progress.

22- I decree that every impossible situation shall become possible to the glory of God.

23- All through the month of March, you shall continue to sing a new song and dance your dance.

24- Throughout this month of June 202 1, you will not bombard God with lots of complaints but with praise reports.

25- By the reason of the glory of God upon your life, multitudes shall come and celebrate with you this month of June 202 1.

26- No power from the pit of hell shall conclude your case, it is not over until you testify in Jesus name.

27- Whatever they have written about you in their evil world and secret cult, catch fire, in Jesus name.

28- All of a sudden, you ‘ll become a financial giver without sorrow! No power will cover your star again.

29- You will stand out in your family, community and the world at large in Jesus name.

30- Every appointment with death and strange sickness concerning your life and that of members of your family is cancelled, for no one shall be buried in your household this Month of June and through this year 2021.

31- I decree in this month of June 202 1, your month for a Prophetic word that you will be a wonder, receive the anointing of” Come and see what the Lord has done in my life.”


**********AMEN ***********



Monday, May 31, 2021


 #SUNDAY 30/05/2021


The great question is to know how we can build an Altar for the next generation by giving? and when we talk of giving what manner of giving are we talking about?
Looking into Luke 8:1-3 on the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, we name it successful because Jesus had people who followed Him and understood the principles of faith and works. (James 2:14-26) for faith without works is dead.
Today we are limited in our blessings because our faith is not backed up with works.
The primitive Church grow and saw its members blessed because they understood the principles of Faith with works (James 2:18)
Their faith had works and they saved the Lord and in the house of God with their substance.
The 21st-century church is loaded with too much grad and limitation as many of us have no understanding of saving God. many of us today have not experienced any encounter with
1)- Jesus Christ
2)- With the Word of God.
3)- With the Holy Spirit.
4)- With the Baptism of Water and Fire
the lack of relationship between us and God has kept the Church of today into what I may call captivity, this has totally destroyed the Spiritual Sensitivity of many Christians today including many servants of God. For the desire of self, many Christians had created relationships with men of God, fearing them and placing huge values on them, (don't get me wrong) which doctrine has nothing to do with the word of God or again the Gospel of Jesus Christ. but focused on their daily needs and not the needs of the kingdom. (Jeremiah 23:32).
These are some of the reasons why the generational altars raised based on purity, true doctrine, the baptism of the word and fire, and giving in substance can not speak for this new generation of Pastors and Christians. for our altars are covered with self, grad and the strange fire, as well as immorality and imported gods.
Child of God this is just to draw your attention to the fact that you need a perfect relationship with God more than with your pastor. get me clear and loud without any apology (Genesis 4:5). serving God with our substance without a pure heart, and a holy lifestyle God will not bless us that is the Limitation of today's church. but I have faith as stated in Hebrews 13:8 if we could have a clean spirit and a holy lifestyle our substances will be approved by God and His rain shall be poured on us and the things they testified for can also be our portion in the name of Jesus.
Taking into consideration John 14:12, we can do better works today as well as perfect our giving in total submission and respect to our Lord God. (Genesis 4:7).
From the days of Abraham, Isaac, Isreal, Moses, and Joshua, just to list a few, we have testimonies of men and women in the faith who saved God and the Church with their substance and raised generational altars for them and their entire families and nations as well as their Church communities. (Matthew 26:13) (Mark 14:3-9)
The book of Matthew 1:18-25 is the sweet story of a man called Joseph.
Joseph was physically a poor carpenter but the earthly father of the Kings of Kings, this was not by chance. Joseph had accepted to let his wife mary, the mother of Jesus to be conceived of the Holy Spirit. Remember that in Luke 1:34 Mary responded to the Angel that how can this happen when she knows no man. the Angel of God upon hearing this immediately the Angel visited Joseph and tabled the matter to him and he accepted the offer and became the father of the Kings of Kings.
Joseph's capacity to be known or to be great was not in his physical abilities and knowledge but it was based on his faith in God and his Spiritual Sensitivity. by which he could relate with angelic beings.
Elizabeth on the other hand allowed her womb to be used of God and she changed her story from a barren woman to the mother of a man Jesus described in Luke 7:28. The is no man born of a woman greater than a John the Baptised.
In 1 Samuel 1-20, we are told of the Woman called Hannah whom the bible described to be the wife that was loved by Elkanah but that the Lord had short her womb. it took Hannah Spiritual Sensitivity to be able to connect to the divine needs of the church and the kingdom. How is that? there were three needs at Shiloh, First, the Church needed a priest, Secondly, God needed a servant to release Eli the priest and Hannah had her personnel prayer point she needed a child (1 Samuel 1:9-13). For years God shut her womb but when her Spiritual Sensitivity introduced her to heavenly realms she told God give me a son and will give you a Priest, I don't know what you have, I don't know what you carry, and I don't know why you womb is shut but you need to present your womb, God needs a Priest and Your womb can conceive a son for that request.
Hannah raised a generational altar by giving be God and the lord rewarded Hannah 1 Samuel 2:21.
One of the greatest needs of our church today are men and women who can stand before nations with their influence and works to give honor to the body of Jesus. as we end with the man JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. This man stood on his own using his influence and works to stand before Authorities to request the body of Jesus Christ. and used his land for our Lord to be buried. ( MATTHEW 27:57) can you stand to honor the body of Jesus with your works? your substance?
Yes you are not only giving your substance to save God but you are building a Generational Altar that will speak in your life and for your generations yet unborn (Matthew 26:12-13)
Remember JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA is mentioned as one of Jesus' disciples though he came from a group of people that persecuted Christ and His Gospel. but he did not stand with them he decided to change the story of His children and Generation. You too can do it today. (JOHN 19:38)
1) - DONT FOLLOW THE CROWD:- Joseph had a faith in Jesus and was considered a disciple. This happened despite his being a member of the Sanhedrin, who were, as a group bitterly opposed to Christ. However, Joseph held to his belief in Jesus and had faith in Him despite his surrounding. don't allow you surrounding to negatively influence you when it comes to giving to your God.

2)- FOLLOW JESUS:- We don't know how vocal Joseph was in his opposition to the Sanhedrin regarding their actions towards Jesus. But he was against their plan. However, we do know for sure that Joseph risked everything in asking Pilate for the Body of Jesus. (Luke 9:24)

3)- TRUST IN HIS TIMING:- Joseph probably had no idea the days or weeks before the crucifixion of Jesus that he would be able to be the one to honor Jesus' body by burying Him according to the customs. yet when the time came he stepped out in faith. While the twelve disciples of Jesus were all scattered. Joseph was in the right place and the right time, Mary the mother of Jesus was in the right timing, Hannah was in the right place and the right time.

You may be worshiping with us here today you are in the right place at the right time. you may be on Facebook or any of our social media platforms following this message, I want to announce to you that you are in the right place at the right time, but you need to be Spiritually Sensitive to identify the needs. remember in Shiloh there were 3 needs and Hannah was sensitive to identify them all.


Saturday, May 22, 2021


 It's a day of Power, a season of divine encounters, it's Pentecost Sunday join us as we receive Power from above. from 9am our first service, the Lord through the intercession of the Holy Ghost will pure a new spirit unto us. 

be our gust, as our Father Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn will be ministering on the subject Holy Ghost fill me. 


C'est un jour de puissance, une saison de rencontres divines, c'est le dimanche de la PentecĂ´te, rejoignez-nous alors que nous recevons la puissance d'en haut. Ă  partir de 9 heures du matin, notre premier service, le Seigneur, par l'intercession du Saint-Esprit, nous purifiera un esprit nouveau.

Soyez nos invites, notre Père ApĂ´tre Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn exercera son ministère sur le sujet; Saint-Esprit remplit moi 


Friday, April 30, 2021



 Day 5, APRIL 30TH: FRIDAY 2021




1 Kings 19 v 1 – 2 (Jezebel vows) 1 Samuel 11v1-2 ( Nahash Plucking out all right eyes); Proverbs 26v2 (Curses causeless); Isaiah 10 v 27; Lamentations 3 v 37; Acts 23 v 11 – 24 (Vow against Paul) 2 Corinthians 10 v 3-5; Galatians 3 v 13 – 14; Colossians 2 v 14; Revelation 12 v 11 (Overcome by the blood)




An evil vow can be defined as a very strong and unrepentant promise, determination or commitment made satanically to execute or carry out an evil operation, task, or assignment at all costs.


Evil vows are endless; Vows to steal, to kill, and to destroy (John 10 v 10); vows of infirmity enslavement, retrogression, destiny perversion, progress delay, chronic stagnancy; vows to waste, to empty, vows of affliction, tragedy, accident, premature death, bewitchment, lack, violence, war, vows to make one a vagabond, etc.;


Satanic local priests and priestesses, with the assistance of familiar spirits are detailed to carry out, execute and perfect evil vows.  Also, animals, reptiles, and birds can be used.


Evil vows have specific mandates attached to them from strange altars, with dates attached too.


Some of our parents who had carelessly vowed during evil transactions and encounters but could not fulfil the terms of their vows have mindlessly mortgaged the futures of generations after them.


Executors of evil vows can bind themselves with an oath to strengthen their commitment to carry out their assignment. Example: the Jews placed themselves under a vow not to eat or drink until they have killed Paul. (Acts 23 v 11 – 24)

And they are very serious with their vows.  Vows can be inherited, acquired, transferred, or ancestral (from one’s home town) Some agents vow to die should their assignment against believers fail. And die they will because they will fail, in Jesus name. Amen


But thank God for the blood of Jesus that can wipe off all evil vows made against us.


“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world; and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.  Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?… And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth” 1 John 5 v 4-6.


“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross” Colossians 2 v 14.



1.        Pray a prayer of repentance. Ask God for forgiveness in all areas that have opened doors for evil vows to operate in your life.  Ask God for mercy.  Renounce all evil vows, in Jesus name.

2.       Every area of my life distorted by evil vows, receive shape in Jesus name.

3.       Every department of my life dis-organised by evil vows, be re-organised in Jesus name.

4.       Every progress, stolen from my life through evil vows, be restored in Jesus name.

5.       Every injury I have sustained from evil vows, be healed in Jesus name.

6.       Every closed door because of evil vows in my life, be shattered in Jesus name.

7.       Every road-block mounted by evil vows in my life, be shattered in Jesus name.

8.       Every programme of evil vows against my life, be reversed in Jesus name.

9.       Every mandate of evil vows against my life, be nullified by the blood of Jesus.

10.    Every evil chain and rope binding my progress because of evil vows, break by fire in Jesus name.

11.      Every evil garment on me because of evil vows, be removed by fire in Jesus name.

12.     Every evil handcuff on my hands because of evil vows, break loose by fire in Jesus name.

13.     Every evil chain on my hands because of evil vows, break loose by fire in Jesus name.

14.    Every evil yoke on my neck from evil vows, break by fire in Jesus name.

15.    Every evil grip on my destiny from evil vows, loose your hold in Jesus name.

16.     Every death sentence passed on me from evil vows, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

17.     Every spirit of confusion assigned against me from evil vows, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

18.    Evil vows from my place of birth, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name

19.     Evil vows attached to my date of birth, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

20.   Evil vows acquired up till date, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

21.     Evil vows inherited from my root, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus

22.    Evil vows from collective bondage, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name

23.    Evil vows from the marine and serpentine kingdom, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name

24.   Evil vows of spiritual husbands/wives, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name

25.   Evil vows from strange altars/shrines, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name

26.    Evil vows from alfas, sorcerers and occultists, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

27.    Evil vows from the celestial and terrestrial kingdoms, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

28.   Evil vows from the rock, wilderness, desert and mountains, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

29.    Evil vows acquired through marriage, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name (3ce)

30.   Evil vows through business, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

31.     Evil vows of barrenness, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

32.    Evil vows of sickness and infirmity, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

33.    Evil vows of stagnancy and unusual delay, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

34.   Evil vows of spiritual blindness, deafness and weakness, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

35.   Evil vows from the valley, sun, moon and stars, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

36.    Evil vows from witches and wizards, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

37.    Evil vows from strange animals, reptiles and birds, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

38.   Evil vows from overseas and black man’s land, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

39.    Evil vows from markets and crossroads/T-Junctions, be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

40.   Evil vows leaking and siphoning my blessings, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.