Monday, June 10, 2019


Jesus walked with his disciples, talked with them, ate with them, performed many miracles and he got to a place and he asked a question. The question Jesus asked revealed whom the Church that he is going to build will depend on. He asked them who do you say that I am? And Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the son of the Living God”.
The first thing that came out of the mouth of Jesus was “blessed are you, Simon the son of Jonah. Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my father who is in Heaven, you are Peter and, on this rock, I will build my church”.  Jesus realised that this message did not come from any human being, nor did it come from Peter himself but it was God who revealed it to him.
Anytime the revelation of God comes, it is a blessing, so the devil tries to buy people out not to get revelation. That is why as believers we must always be eager to receive fresh manner from God, which is the Rhema, the revelation of God.
It is not Peter that he will build his Church on, but on the “revelational knowledge” that he will build his Church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Hades is the god of the dead, and Jesus said if he is building his Church, no weapon of the enemy can prevail over his Church.
A Church is not a Building, a church is people who have been called out of the world and have been grouped into one and sent out with the mandate to go into the world. The Church is called out of darkness into his marvellous light, and we have been also sent into the world to minister to the world. That is why our lives should be different, we are of the world but not in the world. This is because we are a holy people called out of the world and we are also sent out into the world to minister to them.
So, we minister the gospel to them, we minister to the needs of the people and we minister the needs of the people. We cannot say we are a Church if we do not go into the community to affect the lives of those in the community. Sometime back, the Church was isolated and was not making any impact in the society, so the community saw the Church as segregated and had no impact. But in our daily lives with the people, they should know that we have Christ.
Politicians can come and go, they can fight against the Church in one way or the other. Church history shows how some rulers have fought against the Church, to the extent of some even burning the Bible, but finally, the Bible crushed them.
Jesus involved himself in community work, he involved himself with the woman of Samaria, he involved himself in the work of the temple, he involved himself with the people by healing the sick, by feeding the people, by meeting the needs of the people, interacting with the people. Even those who were sinners Jesus went to them.
As we go out doing business, we have to impact positively, because we know that we have been mandated by God to conquer things that have been ruling the world. This is because whatever we loose on earth, will be loosed in Heaven and whatever we bind on earth will be bind in Heaven. The Church has the power to do exploit in the community.
The Church is not just a social organisation, but what God himself has built for us to represent him on earth. If the Church loses its identity, then there is nothing, but because we are on earth, Christ is on earth and Christ will come and take his Church on earth as we look forward to his glorious appearance of his second coming. He is coming for his Church, people who have believed in his Name and have been washed in his blood.
May we continue to be the light of the world and impact the communities in which we live in with the power God has given to us. Let us go out and possess the Nations as we build the Church of God for his own Glory! Be an agent of transformation even as we build his Church.
May the Lord bless and keep you today and forever! Amen!
      JUNE 2019

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