Wednesday, June 12, 2019



Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye, not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Self-examination is the contemplation of your own thoughts, desires and conduct. Our Lord Jesus Christ admonished that before a person would begin to counsel and advise others on how they should live their lives, self-examination is always necessary. 

Before a Christian partakes in spiritual activities that require some level of sanctification and holiness in the church, it is also necessary to carry out self-examination. 

This is clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 11:28 which says, “But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.” Consequently, self-examination should precede taking part in the Holy Communion or the acceptance of ordination into a position in the church.

However, we should remember that God does not call the qualified; rather, He qualifies the called. No Christian can claim adequacy in qualification because we’re not worthy of the great gift of salvation He obtained for us at the cross of Cavalry. Therefore, the purpose of self-examination is not to qualify yourself or to prove that you are worthy before God, but to do that which is honest and truthful before God and man. This is why the Bible in 2 Corinthians 13:7 says:
“Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates.”

Self-examination is needed in the 21st-century church to check whether we are still in the faith. Adherence to basic Bible doctrines has become a thing of the past. Obedience to commandments of the Bible is now subject to whether such commandments do not infringe on a person’s human rights and if it meets with his or her personal approval, (consider Proverbs 14:12). 

The concept of sin, righteousness and holiness as clearly defined in the Holy Bible is now relative to a person’s choice with serious considerations for culture and environment. Therefore co-habitation of unmarried couples, immodest dressing and behaviours that translate to a total departure from Biblical teachings are exhibited in the church of God with impunity. Examine yourself today considering Proverbs 16:2 and Proverbs 21:2; are you still in the Faith? However say this prayer: Father, help me to examine myself and send a revival to your Church in Jesus’ Name.

The message in this article is a global call and reminder to the universal church of God, it is one of self-examination, some of us looking at the picture to this article will surely want to place a judgemental view to women, but note as well that the image or picture gives us a view of the men and women in the Church of God as well as in the world.  

Today we see people who spend all their days in churches but yet has no relationship with the Lord. Because we now experience and live in a world called modernity. the things of the world are gradually taking over the affairs of the Church, but lets put this in mind no matter how the world becomes or like modern, they will never be a Modern Heaven or a  Modern hell. watch out, that is why today in our churches we see people who are neither cold nor hot, Revelation 3:15-19. 

Self - examination, like earlier stated is not a means of being qualified before God, or again used as a reproach, to me it's more of a mirror of your inner person and your outer character that generates an image of God in us. in our way of interacting towards the world, because a proper self-examination leads us in an effective walk for God's work and services. 

When a man examines himself sincerely he will not be involved in any form of corruption or again involved into compromise. Child of God; there is a greater possibility to come to a conclusion that a life not examined ends up into carnality and total destruction of one's life, family, community, nation and the world as we put into consideration Proverbs 14:12. what is the way forward? 

The way forward is to Focus on Christ Jesus. – Ephesians 5:1-2 Be ye, therefore, followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.               

God’s ways are clearly not the ways of men. What men hold dear and crave after are usually not what matters to God. We human beings like to blow our own trumpets. We like to be addressed by big titles and we want the office we hold to be identified with us wherever we go. These are not important things before God; as a matter of fact, they are the expressions of self which if allowed to thrive by a child of God, will lead to carnality. Romans 8:7 says, a carnal mind cannot please God. In John 13:33, Jesus called His disciples “Little children”. Among them were some men like Peter, who was physically older than Him. Much later still, after His resurrection in John 21:5, He called out to them on the sea: “Children, have ye any meat?” They answered him, “No”; this was after they had been with Him for years. They never outgrew being called children, and none of them protested to Him for being called a child.

Some years ago, at the conclusion of a seminar at the Government Secondary School in Bonaberi  (Littoral Region - Cameroon), I had asked the students if they were ready to become like a child in order to receive their miracles, then the Lord asked me the same question. He asked me if I was not already considering myself an adult.
This really shocked me. It made me give myself a serious self-examination. I realised that I had allowed my new status as the General Overseer of Arena of God Ministries to come between me and God. Prior to my becoming the General Overseer, with a two-minute prayer, I got results, but after I became the General Overseer, it took efforts of binding and loosing, praying in tongues and resisting the devil for me to obtain personal miracles. In light of this, I started to crave seriously to become like a baby once again. It is an easy thing to lose focus if one is not watchful. Humility is the key thing here.
Many people have missed it on this point today because they love to flaunt their titles, positions and achievements. When they talk, you think they are the ones behind their achievements. When addressed as a brother or Sister, they will immediately correct you, “I am Pastor, Apostle and Doctor so and so”.
Yet, at many times, they themselves address the great apostles of old as Paul or Peter etc, without using any prefix.
Watch out my beloved brothers and sisters in the faith, it takes a man a hundred miles for a journey, but it takes a tickling of an eye to fall in a pit, that may be considered your grave. examine yourself, not others but you and you, be truthful to what and who you are and humble yourselves. for we are all little children. the path you are into may seem right in your eyes, people try to correct you but without any success. self-examination is that process where you ask yourself pertinent and real questions as a child of God that you are. like the following daily questions, frequently asked in churches and it becomes a total problem. in the domine of Your Dressing, Your Language, Your Attitude, Your interaction, Your Relationships etc...... Just Examine Yourself.
Can we Please Pray Together
Prayer Point:
 1). Father, please help me to always see myself as a child before you. 
2).  Father, help me to examine myself.
3). Holy Spirit of God Search all over my life and uproot in me whatever makes me look warm with the things of the kingdom. 
4). Father, Please help me to always love your presence. Let my heart always seek you in Jesus name.
5). Father, let consecration and commitment be commonplace in my life.

God bless you all richly for your understanding of his word as I pray that your life from today will never be the same again in the name of Jesus. 

please help us share this word with your community, your church, and loved ones worldwide. thanks very much for visiting our page, you could please drop your comments and testimonies on the comment box, to edify others God bless you.

I am 
Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn 
Douala - Cameroon 
12th June 2019


Unknown said...

Praise God... let these words being a change in my life

Unknown said...

Praise God... let these words being a change in my life

Unknown said...

Great inspirational thought to call on brethren to see the need for self examination in the face of God.

Anonymous said...

At times we really think we are in control,and we end up standing at the position of the Lord, being judgmental to one another and blaming others for what we could had fixed ourselves by putting our trust in the Lord. We think being broke is because of our lesser efforts and we end up in compromise and carnality, and blaming others While its really about us examining ourselves.
Apostle thank you for this timely message I am just to broken. I just realized the true who I am. God bless you sir.

Unknown said...

It is my prayer that the Lord grant you this request