Thursday, May 9, 2019


Hebrews 13:17 (KJV) Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

There's an error that has been reigning under the sun and I believe it's time for correction.

Today's generation has spent time to crucify the pastors for their weaknesses and their mistakes but no one has taken out time to address the Christians on how they handle the pastors.

Believe me and permit me to say this... WE HAVE MORE FAKE CHRISTIANS THAN FAKE PASTORS TODAY.
This is the generation was, if you want to have more likes and comments on social media, then post something antagonistic to the pastoral calling or office.

Post anything that ridicules the pastoral office and become popular in our generation.
The pastors are weeping.

It is a time when the Christian comes battered and shattered to the church, the pastor accepts you in your broken stage, encourages you, assist you financially, and then when you are standing, you now tell the pastor he is not Anointed enough to pastor you anymore.

You need a television father now.

Oh.. The pastors are weeping.

It is a time when, someone you invested time and counsel, patience and love can boldly use the picture of another man in a far country as their father or mentor on social media to make the pastor look helpless and unqualified.
Oh, the pastors are weeping.
When you didn't have a job, the pastor prayed for you and even gave you capital for business. Today you have little money and you sow seeds in other places but the pastor who helped you still looks like a beggar.
Oh, The pastors are weeping
When you had marital crisis, while others were sleeping, the pastor was there to arrange your matters till midnight, but today you can look down on him and see him as nothing and irrelevant.
The pastors are weeping
When you had no child, you disturbed the pastor and he believed God for you, fasted and prayed, denied pleasure on your behalf, today you are a mother and father, that's when you decided to change the church and give testimony somewhere else to make him look less Anointed.
The pastors are weeping
When you came into that church like a humble brother, the pastor gave you his love and platform to minister, only for you to break away with members from the church to start your own church on the next street
The Pastors are weeping
Hear me, sir, many pastors don't sleep well at night because they see how much they have to put in and how much malice they get from some members.
You can't pay the man of God, but to show him your love and loyalty.
Some Christians might be enjoying the fact that the pastors are weeping now.
Oh.. But be careful... Ask Miriam who made Moses cry
Ask Judas who sold his master out how he ended
Ask Delilah who betrayed Samson with fake words
Ask those who mocked at Jesus as he hung on the cross.

I came to realise that in this generation we have 3 dimensions of Christians

These are people who are with you because they need their needs to be met. They don't care about your vision or the work of God.
They are manipulative in their approach.

These are Christians who's heart condition is different from their face value.
You must be spiritual enough to know the intent of their hearts.
They profess something else and act contrary to that. They claim to love while they hate at heart.

These are people who love you in good works and at all times.
They are there for God and will do anything good to enhance the kingdom of God.
If the church can choose to become CHRISTIANS IN DEEDS... then the pastors will stop weeping.
The pastors might not tell you because they want to claim the Superman mentality.
Many don't sleep well at night while you sleep.

Scriptures make it very clear... It is unprofitable for the Christian, not the pastor.
The worst thing that can happen to a church is to have a weeping pastor on the altar.
It becomes a curse on the people.

To have an offended pastor on the alter is not good for the Christians.
Let's help our pastors do the work with Joy.

My Counsel...
1. Don't be fooled. What you sow you must reap.
The pain you inflict on God's servant with your attitude, you must have a reward soonest.

2. Don't make the pastoral calling a burden on the pastor.
Let him be excited he has Christians like you.

3. Become a profitable Christian.
Your presence should be reasons for him to stay in ministry.

4. The pastor needs prayers more than you do. Always pray for your pastors too. They are also human

5. Seek first the kingdom of God. When you love God more, loving your man of God won't be a challenge to you.
Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn 

God bless all the pastors, they are treasures.
God bless you all. Have a shalom week and share this let our pastors stop weeping.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A trust worthy reflection to all Christians and other followers of the word to be on guard in the lord. Stay blessed