Friday, January 22, 2021



Day 17, January 22:



Luke: 8:17: For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that   shall not be known and come abroad.

      Luke 12: 1-3: 1 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of  people, insomuch that they trade one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.


Many years ago, a man who had a chronic illness was advised to see me for prayers. I prayed for him but nothing happened, so I asked God why that was so. God told me to ask, him about something he did at a particular stage of his life. God then revealed it to me. When I did ask, the man was shocked, and he opened up on a secret he thought was well kept.

Several years before, that is in 1973 he had committed a crime and was due to be convicted due to the testimonies of some witnesses. He knew this, so he hatched a plan. Since the witnesses were to come to court by boat from a fishing island called Bota - Island, he arranged for their boat to capsize and they all drowned. He then made sure that all the people he sent to wreck their boat were also killed. He was eventually acquitted of the initial crime and he lauded himself for covering his tracks excellently. It came as a shock to him seeing the incident spring up again. Obviously, he did not know of God’s word in Proverbs 11:21 which says:

“Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.”

He thought the crimes had been covered, but there he was suffering the repercussions. Everything you do today is a seed that will produce fruits in due time. It does not matter how much you try to bury it, one day, it will spring forth and everyone will see the harvest of your secrets.

There is a storm around you today due to that secret you are keeping away, like also was the case of a 47 years lady that came to church for prayers, by then the church was at Entree Camtel kotto, some 4 years ago, she has been married for 13 years no issue, she has been in the storm of childlessness, due to a sin she committed and the Lord through His anger closed her womb, but in the years past some men of God as she claimed had told her that the mother in-law is the one that is eating up her children. When she came to me I told her and the Husband Madame your mother in-law has nothing to do with your situation. I asked the lady can I speak to you before your husband. She answered yes, and I told her to remember 1990 when she was 20 years of age, what she did and immediately shame and fear filled her face, while she was 20 years and aspiring young boy that graduated from the University of Yaoundé becoming interested to her and both began dating and some were somehow, the young man travelled abroad and the lady was pregnant of another person, the young man came back to Cameroon for holidays discovered she was pregnant, not wanting to lose the relationship (1) she aborted the baby of 7 months, and when the boy told her he will report her to the police she (2) Poisoned the young man who died 4 days after. And I asked her why then tell a lie that a pastor said your mother in-law is in charge of your childlessness? So even in this storm you are facing you reading know and you can identify your storm so stop pretending, repent of the past mistakes.

What many Pastors don’t know or understand is the fact that many of our followers, Christians know the genesis of their storms, some seems so holy and judgemental when others confess of the similar sins they committed years past. Some go to the point of measuring the accuracy of the Prophetic office of their pastor by their hidden sins, “if it’s true he is seeing like he claims why has he not seen my own” I my not see it but know our God is seeing you and the good thing is that He is the rewarder.              

Stop stealing, stop committing adultery/fornication, stop watching pornography and put an end to every ungodly habit in your life today. No matter how hard you try to hide these sinful acts they will be revealed someday. Indeed, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

In any case, the people you are pretending for don’t have the power to send you to Heaven or hell. Whatever they think of you does not affect your eternity. The One who will Judge you at the end of time knows even the thoughts of your heart, so stop pretending and start disciplining yourself to do the right thing always and all the storms in your life will come to an end in the name of Jesus.

I would rather expose my sins to men and make it to Heaven than look holy to men and end up in hell. Since I cannot hide my sins from God I would rather not commit sin at all. Make up your mind to stay away from sin today.


-        What will you gain if everyone thinks you are holy on earth and you end up in hell?

-        Have you ever thought that the secret sin you are protecting is the main open door to your storms all these years?

-        Look at that your secret sin again closely; is that sin wealth the torments you are going through today?

-        At this point what do you think can help you come out of this situation you are facing?


1)      Make confessions to those sins

2)    Repent of those sins to God

3)    N/B this 17th day of the fast you personally have to present yourself before God with your words and take yourself out of that storm.  I pray you open up to God and be able to raise prayers that will provoke God’s mercy on you. God bless you


Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn

Snr. Pst. Arena of God Ministries

Douala – Cameroon


Anonymous said...

God will surely bless you Apostle Boateng

Anonymous said...

Que Dieu continue à vous utiliser monsieur, je suis très béni

Anonymous said...

Father Lord please have mercy over me Lord, I don't even know where to start

Anonymous said...

Ce programme de jeûne devient intéressant pour moi, comme pour les 4 derniers jours aujourd’hui le Seigneur est sur ma question. Que Dieu vous bénisse Apôtre

Anonymous said...

Another face of truth�� I never saw it this way help me Lord

Anonymous said...

Please sir where is the church please