Saturday, April 13, 2019



Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn 
we had just finished in the month of March 2019 a series of teachings THE SINS OF THE FATHER. by the special grace of God great testimonies are recorded and we still expect to hear more of them. 
this month of April 2019, we are focused on the liberation of the 3rd and the 4th Generations ( Exodus 34:7 ( Genesis 15:16) ( Deuteronomy 5:9).

For many of us, it sounds unfair for God to punish children for the sins committed by their fathers, however child of God there is more to it than we can imagine.  

The effects of sin are naturally passed down from one generation to another. Just like is the case with wealth, some of you are leaving in house build by your fathers, fathers and you are enjoying the blessings of the generational tree, so too is the sin moving from one generation to another.  

when a father has a sinful lifestyle, his children are likely t practice the same sinful lifestyle consider  Exodus 20:5, the children will choose to repeat the sins of the father. this ending up spreading growth of:- 


So it is not unjust for God to punish the sins of the father to the 3rd and 4th generation because the generations are leaving the same lifestyle and committing the same sins. 

that is why I want to call your attention to the fact that you are a 3rd and 4th generation where ever you come from and who so ever you are you represent a generation of your family lineage, so it is a circle that has no end. from this one to another, from one country to another. 

Child of God that is why you as a father today must play a major rule for the information, assert, and lifestyle you choose to pass on to your 3rd and 4th Generation. you need to examine yourself because the decisions you take and make today will determine the blessings that your children will enjoy n the future.  you need to stand in the gap as a father today. when I talk of the father it involves both parents. FATHER AND MOTHER (DADDY AND MUMMY).


JUDGES 3:9, 15 / 1 SAMUEL 12:1-11

Child of God, the lifestyle of the father has a great influence on the children and it becomes an inheritance to generations yet unborn.   

Talking on the sins of the father to the 3rd to the 4th generation are they sins of immorality, sins of theft what are they? under what category are they identified?

1). DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD ( Judges 3:9,15)
2). MISTAKES   ( Genesis 9:25) 


In the story of the family of NOAH, you noticed that the son of Noah saw the father naked, and in the anger of Noah, he transfers the curse to his 4th Generation leaving out HAM who did the Mistake. so the punishment of the 3rd generation was transferred to the 4th generation Canaan

Now watch this:- 

HAM was NOAH'S 3rd Generation and CANAAN was Noah's 4th generation so Noah had placed a curse on his grandson his 4th generation through the mistakes of the 2nd and the 3rd generations that is NOAH and HAM. 

Because the whole thing begins when Noah the 2nd generation goes in (1) Disobedience of God, in drinking wine to drunkenness (Proverbs 20:1) moving to the point where HAM makes a (2) Mistake, and of this mistake, Ham's son Canaan receives from his grandfather Noah a (3) Transferred curse.  so for the curse to flow from generation to generation, every word that Noah pronounced will be empowered by the mistakes of both Noah and Ham to all their descendants.   

The first aspect here is Drinking and Drunkness that becomes a lifestyle for all the children of the family. both male and female. 

After which we move to Shame: here we noticed Noah's neckedness was exposed to the public by the son to the other sons and it was shameful, by this shame shall become a lifestyle of the family going down to generations born and unborn ( Isaiah 45:24). 

The third thing here is the Spirit of Guilt and Regret after the act Ham was guilty and had many regrets to had done what he did,  but because Noah released a curse Guilt and Regret also becomes part of the sins and lifestyle of the family from generation to Generation.  

And the fourth point here is Rebellion (Deuteronomy 9:23) 

Let us make a family tree to get from the roots to the branches that are from Noah's first Generation to Noah's 4th Generation. 

The Bible gives the account of Noah's first generation to be sinful, rebellious and evil, until God looking at this generation repented of creating man, but by the mercy and grace of God, Noah was chosen by God to start a new generation ( Genesis 6:8). In this account, Noah's first Generation was under the influence of total disobedience of the Word and ways of God. 


 ( Genesis 6:1-22) 

- Corrupt 
- Disobedience 
- Liers 
- Anger 
- Violent 
- Murderers 
- Fornicators
- Homosexuals  
- Drunkers 


Here is Noah himself ( Genesis 9:20-21) 

- Disobedience
- Drinking 
- Drunkenness 
- Anger 
- Exposure 
- Shame 


Here is Ham, Noah's Son. (Genesis 9:20-22)

- Mistakes 
- Shame 
- Guilt 
- Rejection 
- Failure 
- Curse 


Here is CANAAN, Ham's son and Grand Son of Noah(Genesis 9: 25-26) 

- Cursed 
- Wrong Identity 
- Rejection 
- Slavery 
- Unfruitfulness 
- Barrenness 
- Limitations 
- Confusion 
- Vacaborn 
- Anger 
- Rebellious 
- Poverty 


Notice here that from the First to the Fourth generation the is a list of 33 Sins mentioned above. now let us look at what each generation from the 1st generation inherits. 

1st Generation 
- Premature dead from the destruction of the world by water 

2nd Generation 

- Disobedience
- Drinking 
- Drunkenness 
- Anger 
- Exposure 
- Shame 
plus those of 1st Generation 
- Corrupt 
- Disobedience 
- Liers 
- Anger 
- Violent 
- Murderers 
- Fornicators
- Homosexuals  
- Drunkers
Plus Premature dead 

2nd Generations inherits 16 Sins that are passed to the 3rd Generation HAM 

3rd Generation

- Mistakes 
- Shame 
- Guilt 
- Rejection 
- Failure 
- Curse
Plus those of the first Generation 

- Corrupt 
- Disobedience 
- Liers 
- Anger 
- Violent 
- Murderers 
- Fornicators
- Homosexuals  
- Drunkers
Plus Premature dead 

plus those of the 2nd Generation 

- Disobedience
- Drinking 
- Drunkenness 
- Anger 
- Exposure 
- Shame 

The 3rd Generation inherits 24 sins from its 1st and 2nd generation.

4th Generation 

- Cursed 
- Wrong Identity 
- Rejection 
- Slavery 
- Unfruitfulness 
- Barrenness 
- Limitations 
- Confusion 
- Vacaborn 
- Rebellious 
- Poverty 

He inherits from 1st generation 
- Corrupt 
- Disobedience 
- Liers 
- Anger 
- Violent 
- Murderers 
- Fornicators
- Homosexuals  
- Drunkers
Plus Premature dead 

He inherits from the 2nd Generation his grandfather 
(NOAH) plus a curse.

- Disobedience
- Drinking 
- Drunkenness 
- Anger 
- Exposure 
- Shame 
- Curse 

He inherits from the 3rd Generation his Father (HAM) Plus a Transferred curse.

- Mistakes 
- Shame 
- Guilt 
- Rejection 
- Failure 
- Curse

Note this the fourth Generation now has 33 mentioned sins from the 1st to the 3rd Generation so if you are your 2nd generation you know what you carry as well as the 3rd to the 4th generation. I ask you a question today what life to you prepare for your children? your 3rd and 4th Generation.

let's end by putting in place and analysing just the 4th Generation, here we come to the knowledge that the 4th generation now has developed from sins to curses to strongholds as some of the sins from the 1st generation to the 4th generation are doubled so this will need a higher level of deliverance.

I invite you to join us every Saturday on every month for FAMILY PRAYER ALTER, a time of knowledge and total deliverance from the altars of the Father, to the sins and many more affecting the family today. 

You were blessed by this message please drop your comments, help us to reach out to many by sharing the link. God bless you. 


Unknown said...

Great work done Apostle,we are very blessed by this great work and teachings. We strongly appreciate you our father. God bless you

Anonymous said...

We bless the lord for this great insight, powerful word of God. Kingdom knowledge. May this grow to something big apostle.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, oh may God who could image what bondage we walk with and that which we carry. Now imagine with all this you married a woman with all this in her as you. I don't think you can ever do anything and you both succeed. Apostle may our good God bless you and increase your capacity in understanding kingdom mysteries.
Oh I confess I am blessed, please apostle keep up please

Anonymous said...

Lord thank you for Deliverance of all sort of attacks and healing in our lifes

Unknown said...

wondas!!!!!!!! Father purify me and my children born and unborn from my sins and the sins of their father and of the sins of our ancestors.. Deliver us oh Lord and renew Your convenant with us Lord through the precious blood of Jesus for the remission of our sins...Amen

Anonymous said...

Apostle, God bless you, this can only be God's insight, we have been fighting this issues in our family for so long, but we have been praying against generational curses all these years. But I have read this post since 3am again and again and I just understood that, when we take it this way it's more visible than just curse.
Here I understand the is a curse, double curse and there are other sins that have become our lifestyle. All this things are seen in my family sir. Please apostle what is the way forward for us? Any prayers my family can take for deliverance? Please let me know. Thank you senior apostle, for making yourself available to the liberation of many families. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Apostle Good day, God bless you richly for us, my prayer for you is that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
I am very blessed with this Apostle, my wife just printed a copy for us the learn more. This is touching

Anonymous said...

The lord will always raise people like the Apostle, thank you. My family and I are blessed to come across this knowledge. We focus on prayers now.

Anonymous said...

Great and great apostle
Thank you

Unknown said...

Lord it's rich and edifing for this generation. What a message

Unknown said...

Bonsoir Apostle Bikinn, nous sommes fiers de recevoir ses instructions et ses messages édifiant. dieu soit loué, nous sommes fiers de recevoir les réponses de toutes nos questions par rapport aux liens de famille générationnel. nous vous prions de votre présence à Yaoundé, afin que nous puissions bénéficier de cet enseignement trop trop trop riche, que le Seigneur nous fasse grâce de vous avoir parmi nous à Yaoundé même une fois par semaine. tes enseignements nous touche tellement parce que c'est difficile d'avoir ce genre de message dans nos églises aujourd'hui. soyez vraiment vraiment vivement bien toi et ta famille en entier. que le Seigneur continue de vous utiliser. au nom de Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur.

Anonymous said...

God bless You Apostle

Anonymous said...

Eh Eh Eh Eh great Apostle this one is another level of inspiration Sir, very deep, eh sir you are just staring me this morning i bless God for coming across this page its very rich and blessing, your teachings are powerful sir, God bless you sir, since 19 years as a pastor this is my first time to be torched by the work of a man of God, you see the whole write up is about my family and myself. my deliverance has come. you are the Moses of my family indeed.


God bless you richly Pastor, Just hold on to the Lord and it will be well. thanks for the encouragements, i thank God the articles are blessing you and your family. God bless you Richly man of God.

Anonymous said...

Man of God, we celebrate grace in your life sir, The teachings are rich on this page. This is another dimension of insight. I personally I am working through my deliverance and that of my family, but sir, I want to plead with you sir, as the Lord will lead you Apostle, can we be privileged to have you in our Church, to be blessed by this rich and timely message please.
I am Prophet Tabot Besong Elvis, Senior pastor at God's Assemblies Limbe. We Will be Really fretful to have you bless us sir, more grace Sir, we are humbled.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this teaching because i didn't have it. May God bless you abundantly papa. I love and appreciate you

Unknown said...

It is good to know so you can be conscious and recognize the troubles of life then look forward to handling them accordingly. May we be filled with the grace of the lord so we can stand up to this through him that fights our battles.

Unknown said...

The word made simple!! Oh Lord, purge my life and that of my family, my children born and unborn from every inherited sin. May my generation not transfer any to the next but I pray and plead the blood of Jesus to redeem us from sin in Jesus mighty name

Anonymous said...
