Friday, April 12, 2019


==========CAN WE PRAY==========
Psalms 75:6-7
1. By virtue of this new anointing and uplifting, I received a promotion that is bigger than me!
2. I walk into a promotion that is bigger than anything I have ever experienced! Even when I hide – Lord, fish me out!
3. Father Lord, when men make people great, they may reverse it – Lord, Make me irreversibly great.
4. Free me, Lord! I receive a divine uplifting that frees a man.
Apostle Akwo Kusi Boateng Bikinn 
5. I reject the spirit of slavery. From today I will not be forced to do whatever anyone wants me to do – I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU FEEL IS RIGHT!
6. Every good thing, every great experience – spiritual, physical or emotional that has been the exclusive preserve of other – I declare in Jesus name – It is my turn!
7. Lord, Anything in my life that rejects help – I reject and renounce it in the name of Jesus.
8. By this new anointing of uplifting, Lord Jesus – send me help! Send it now.
9. Lord in whatever way I might have contributed to the challenges I have – Let mercy prevail! I am sorry – Have mercy on me.
10. With the new anointing of divine uplifting in my life, I plead Lord for complete Healing and deliverance – Not Partial Lord – Full restoration and settlement in Jesus' name.
11. By the new anointing of divine uplifting in my life, The stronghold of confusion in my life – I uproot it now in the name of Jesus.
12. By the new anointing of divine uplifting in my life, I declare Confusion is not in my DNA, I am made after your image. Lord! anything in me and about me that tends to birth confusion – remove and alter permanently in Jesus' name.
13. By the new anointing of divine uplifting in my life, Settle me oh Lord into uncommon clarity!
14. From today, I destroy the covenant and stronghold of failure in my life.
15. The power of God that gives understanding and wisdom to guide a man into his destiny – Release it on me, Lord!
16. With the new anointing of divine uplifting in my life, “When I finish these prayers today”, I will find that which is the missing puzzle in my life and destiny. in Jesus' name.
17. With the new anointing of divine uplifting in my life, and as I finish prayers today”, I will meet my divine helpers!
18. “As I finish these prayers today”, without compromising, I will receive the good news that will lift me up and settle me for good. In Jesus' name.
19. With the new anointing of divine uplifting in my life, Lord, I declare MY CORONATION AND MY ANNOUNCEMENT IS HERE!
20. As the Lord lives – Lift and Settle me spiritually and permanently that I will not miss heaven.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen Amen Lord this is for me Lord