Friday, October 30, 2020

Would You Be In The Number?

For the Lord, himself shall descend
 from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. – 1 Thessalonians 4:16.

Read: John 14:1-6

When parents go out of the house and tell their children that they are coming back soon, the children believe and take their parents for their words. This is because they believe that they will surely come back to the house. They also believe that Mummy and daddy have no reason to lie to them. But when they’re not forthcoming, the children begin to watch the road to see if their parents are coming. Most especially when their parents promised to get them something when returning from their outing. They don’t go to bed until they see their parents arrive home safely.

The Bible tells us in Acts 1:11, Which also said, “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven”. And our memory verse says that Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout of the archangel to take His people to Himself. Jesus Himself (just before His crucifixion) told His disciples (as He’s also telling us today) that He is going to where He came from (heaven). And that He will come back again (after He had finished preparing a place for us in heaven) to take us to Himself so that we will be with Him wherever He is.

From the word of Jesus Christ, He will be coming to take His people and only the redeemed of the Lord will be in the number. Anyone that is not yet saved through the blood of Jesus cannot be in the number. Will you be in the number? Or are you already in the number? There is no room for costly assumptions, be sure that you are in the number and don’t assume to be in the number to avoid disappointment on that day.

Today is a day for you to take a quality decision whether you will be in the number or NOT. of what good will it be unto you to gain the whole world and lose your soul? You are known as a child of God to humans does God knows you?  is your name written in the Book of LIFE? 

The fact that God has made it possible for you to read this article today is because God wants you to cross-examine your life, your relationship with Him. where will you spend eternity? Children of God a time has come in your life where you won't need that Promotion, That car, That Married, That Business, That Visa these are all manners and ways the enemy keeps occupying your mind every day. We go to church, not to  Build our relationship with God rather we get stressed up on daily bases about the Visa, we are more afraid to be rejected a visa then going to hell, we are more afraid of not getting a promotion than going to hell, we are more afraid of losing our relationships with our inlaws, our general managers, the embassy, the banks, the society than to work our salvation in a Good relationship with the Father. 

A song writes ' Today - Todayeeee - Today maybe the last day yo
u don't know, Today may be the last day you don't know brother/sister. Today - Today may be the last day you Don't know. what a good song to sing, a song of self-examination, a song of reflections, a song to rearrange your life, my dear readers just take some few minutes as you are reading right now and reflect on your life, is it wealth a relationship with God? is your life wealth being rupturable? If yes congratulations but if NO, Dear friends I owe you no apologies but to announce to you that you are a sinner. Please Church will not qualify you, Your Offerings will not qualify you, Your Tithes will not qualify you, Your Seeds will not qualify you, your giving will only make a way for you on earth to receive your blessings, you need a relationship with God your maker. the question is would you be in the number? the answer is you, the decision is you, the agreement is you, the solution is you. all I want us to know is that time is not on our side if you are playing know that your father will soon be home, all he said when living in the morning was that see you in the evening, he did not say 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm but all you know he will come in the evening but you don't know the Hour nor the day.................. God bless you for reading           

Prayer: Father Lord, on that day when you will come for Your people, let me be among the people in Jesus Mighty Name.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



Genesis 6:1-4

John 10:10;

Isaiah 49:24-26. 


1. Blood of Jesus fight for me

2. No other name but the name of Jesus.

3. No controversy, Jesus Christ is the Lord.


A spiritual marriage is a marriage relationship between a human being and a spiritual being.

Genesis 6:1-4. Spiritual marriages supersede physical marriages because the spiritual realm supersedes and dictates what happen in the physical realm.

A spiritual marriage is kept in place by evil covenants that you may be or not be aware of. It is, therefore, possible to be married in the spirit realm and not know it.

Whatever you are dedicated to you are married to. Idol worshippers are therefore married to their idols in the same way that Christians are married to Christ.

Ephesians 5:31-32. Not only are they married to their idols but to also marry every member of their household even yet unborn to their idols. Therein lies the root of collective captivity.

A spiritual spouse is a spiritual entity that exists in the spirit realm, a spirit being to whom a human is married. Examples are marine and ancestral spirit husbands.

Since it is first the spiritual realm and then the physical, the spiritual spouse has a higher claim over a person than the physical spouse.

This claim will remain in place until the evil covenants keeping the relationship in place are broken. Your husband could be a lizard or a serpent depending on what idols your family worships.

Sometimes you have generational spirit spouse to whom all the men or all the women in a particular family have been married. In the dream, this manifests as you and your daughter sharing the same man friend or as you and your son having the same woman.

The spiritual spouse is a thief because he is stealing what really belongs to your earthly spouse. Not only that, every time he or she has a sexual encounter with you in the dream, there is only one agenda which is to kill, steal, and destroy. John 10:10.

It is to pollute your spirit, soul and body; to kill your earthly marital relationships, and to steal good things from your life such as virtues. Therefore, major breakthroughs are aborted after having sex with them in the dream. Covenants are also reinforced and victims can be initiated into evil associations this way. Every time you encounter, goodness, and breakthroughs.


These are factors that tend to aggravate the attacks from spiritual spouses. Spiritually unclean environments such as polluted churches and pastors, polluted houses and workplaces.

  1. 1.       Evil laying on of hands by unclean clergy and workers.
  2. 2.     Watching or reading pornographic materials
  3. 3.     Sexual looseness and promiscuity
  4. 4.     Wearing provocative clothes such as extremely short and exposing dresses
  5. 5.   Wearing items that originate from the marine world such as human hairpieces.
  6. 6.  Where strongmen such as generational ancestral spirit spouses are on the rampage.
  7. 7.      Unbroken covenants such as collective captivity, blood covenants, ancestral and marine dedication.  


1.       Marital distress and instability. If married cannot enjoy the marriage.
2.     Have problems satisfying your physical spouse sexually but get satisfaction with the spirit spouse.
3.     Having sexual relationship in the dream.
4.     Encountering hatred in marriage and marital relationships.
5.     Find it difficult to get married. Encountering frequent disappointment, rejection, and jilting in relationship with the opposite sex.
6.      Jealous spirit spouses can kill anyone that gets serious about marrying you.
7.      Barrenness
8.     Spirit spouses leave evil deposits behind that cause diseases such as low sperm, fibroids, and hormonal imbalance.
9.      Cause hormonal imbalance, facial hair, and aggressiveness in women.

10.  Introduces mark of rejection into the lives of their victims.

11.    Ensure victims do profitless hard work. 12. Making wrong decisions.

12.  Being around water or swimming in the dream.

13.  Pregnancy or having babies in the dream

14.  Having a family in the dream which you do not have in real life.  For example you have another husband, another home, and another set of children in the spirit world that you see your dreams.

15.  Seeing or feeling a strange being sleeping on your bed.

16.   Having physical or spiritual miscarriage after have sex with spirit spouse in the dream.

17.   Making unpardonable sexual errors.

18.  Having a sexual urge  



1. Surrender your life to God. He is able to deal with spiritual spouse.

2. Repent of all sin.

3. Incubate your life with the fire of God. Prayer: O God make my life too hot for my enemies to handle.

4. Divorce the spirit spouse by breaking all the covenants keeping the marriage in place using Colossians 2:14-14 and 2 Timothy 4:18 .

5. Use the blood of Jesus and the fire of God to separate yourself from the spirit spouse Every spirit spouse tormenting my life, I divorce you by the blood of Jesus.

6. Set all the properties used to consummate the marriage on fire. For example the ring, the marriage register, etc.

7. Use the blood of Jesus to purge every evil deposit left in your system by the spirit spouse and use the fire of God to uproot every evil plantation.

8. Return all the properties of the spirit spouse in your possession back to the spirit spouse.

9. Take back everything that belongs to you that is in the possession of the spirit spouse

10. Rededicate yourself to God after ensuring that all evil dedications have been properly broken.

11. Cultivate perfect hatred for the spirit spouse and determine to be free.

12. Watch what you watch, read and wear.

13. Live a holy life.



1. All shakable must be shaken.

2. Holy Ghost and fire, fill my spirit, fill my soul, fill my life. Enough is enough, Holy Ghost arise o. enough is enough.

1. I divorce and renounce my marriage to spirit husband and wife, in the name of Jesus. 2. I break all the covenants keeping the evil marriage in place by the blood of Jesus.

3. I command the fire of God to consume everything used to consummate the marriage, wedding garment, ring, photographs, register, and certificates in the name of Jesus.

4. Every evil ring upon my finger, catch fire and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

6. I break all blood and soul tie covenants with any spirit spouse, in Jesus name.

7. Thunder of God locate and destroy all the children born to the spirit spouse, in the name of Jesus.

8. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I purge myself of all evil materials deposited in my body through sexual encounters with the spiritual spouse. saying evil prayers and holding evil vigils against me, scatter by fire and die.

9. Holy Ghost fire go deep down into my root and burn to ashes every unclean thing deposited in me by spirit spouse, in the name of Jesus.

10. I command the spirit spouse to turn his or her back on me forever, in the name of Jesus.

11. I file a counter report in the heavenlies against every evil marriage, in the name of Jesus.

12. O lord defend your investment in my life, in Jesus name.

13. O Lord, shake out seasons of failure and frustration from my life in the name of Jesus.

14. Every evil wall between me and the visitation of God, be broken by the blood of Jesus.

15. Every damage done to my relationship with my God ordained spouse by the spirit spouse, be repaired by the blood of Jesus.

16. Let my relationship with my God ordained spouse be restored by the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ

17. Blood of Jesus arise and fight for me.

18. Blood of Jesus buy me back from every power to which I have been sold.

19. Every power that has collected spiritual dowry on my head, return it and die, in the name of Jesus.

20. O God arise and destroy every spiritual marriage prepared for me, in the name of Jesus.

21. I pull down every marine altar in my life by the power in the blood of Jesus.

22. I pull down every altar of the serpent in my life by the thunder of the Holy Ghost.

23. Every power waging war against my God ordained marriage, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

24. Every power refusing to let me go, what are you waiting for? Die now.

25. Every power, personality, and spirit contesting with God’s yes for me in marriage, your time is up, die now.

26. I use the hammer of God to break every evil covenant affecting my marriage in Jesus name.


                                PRAYER POINTS

1)  Father, I sanctify this seed in the name of th
e Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

  2)    Father, I soak this seed under the agreement of the Blood of Jesus.

 3)God, let my seed serve as a gateway to my financial freedom, in the name of Jesus.

 4)Every demonic agent using seeds of bad luck to obstruct me, I use this seed to open my ways, in the name of Jesus.

5)Father, let this seed speaks mercy into my life, in the name of Jesus.

6)Father, let this seed yields to great dividends of your blessings in my life, in the name of Jesus.

7) As I sow into this ministry, let my requests be granted, in the name of Jesus.

8)Father, as I sow a seed into the kingdom of God, let my investment be recorded in heaven and here on earth, in the name of Jesus.

9) Father, let the law of sowing and reaping be apportioned unto me, in the name of Jesus.

10) God, guide and protect my seed from limitations, in the name of Jesus.

11)According to Genesis 26:12, I receive the blessings of Isaac after sowing, in the name of Jesus.

12) You said in your word that I should give out my seeds, let my heaven of restoration be released unto me after the order of Matthew 7:7, in the name of Jesus.

13) My seed shall not fell by the wayside to give the enemy to devour it (Luke 8:35, in the name of Jesus.

14) Father, As I sow this seed into this ministry, its blessings shall not be diverted by the serpents, in the name of Jesus.

15) God, bring down your peace upon this seed, in the name of Jesus.

16)  Father, deliver this seed from expiry, in the name of Jesus.

17)  Lord, let every strange spirit attached to this seed, to fly out, in the name of Jesus.

18)Lord, with your hands that made the land fertile, let this seed be fruitful after sowing, in Jesus name.

19) God, as I support your work today, I shall not regret over it, in the name of Jesus.

20)Every covenant of sowing without reaping is broken, in the name of Jesus.

21) By the blood of Jesus, this seed shall justify and elevate me, in the name of Jesus.

22)By the blood of Jesus, my seed shall not bounce back to me, in the name of Jesus.

23)Father, let any power monitoring all my seeds in the past, be arrested by fire, in Jesus name

24)I break every curse upon this seed, in the name of Jesus.

25)God, as I sow into this ministry in tears, I shall reap in joy, in Jesus name.

26)Father, give me wisdom to know when to sow, in the name of Jesus.

27)I rebuke any evil hand assigned to steal my seed, in the name of Jesus.

28)Father, give me the grace to develop the habit of sowing, in Jesus name.

29)This seed will never die on the road, in the name of Jesus.

30)Father, water my plant in the garden of my glory for fruitfulness, in Jesus name

31) My seeds will never fight against me, in the name of Jesus.

32)As I release this seed, I receive my blessings in great returns, in Jesus name

33)Father surround me with the right counsel in seed time as well as in harvest.

34)Any power that wants to cause my seed to not thrive, may they be removed from my sphere in the name of Jesus.





  1.   It saves you from death

  1. Seed can connect the release of your open heaven
  2. Seed prevents you from losses
  3. Seed helps the glory of God to take charge of your life and business  
  4. Seed can open your ways and double your blessings
  5. It delivers you from consistent evil dreams  
  6. Seeds help you to fulfil your purpose.
  7. Seed can make your enemies to be destroyed
  8. Sacrificial seed can prolong your life and gives your good health  

There are times, God will tell some people to sow a seed in order to test the level of their faith, and instead, they will subtract from the seed, minus it and then divide against each other.  

You must be a continuous believer that sows, no matter how small your income is. You must not be a stingy person. What matter is the measure of your faith geared together towards the seed. God gaveth His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, and today, all glory return to God. Until you become a great sower, you cannot expect a great miracle.

Members and ministers who fail to pay and respond to their tithes ,or sow sacrificially, will remain under severe attack.

Prosperity is impossible without sowing a seed. Progress will be defeated without a seed. No one is forcing you to sow, but you must be a giver if you want to unlock your finances and success. Marriage is impossible without sowing a seed of faith.

Prosperity can only respond to the voice of seed sown by you. One of the top secrets of prosperity is the act of sowing seeds. You must exercise some restraints when you are giving God. Avoid any form of showmanship or pride. If you pay your tithes or even sow in the manner prescribed by the word of God, there will be great blessings. No seed is too much. (1 Cor 9:11).

The truth is, there are problems that are answerable by the level of your seed.

Thursday, October 22, 2020




1. Do not promise to sow a seed and later forget it

2. Do not attempt to sow and use the seed to settle other things.

3. Do not borrow to sow a seed into a ministry

4. Do not steal to sow into a ministry

5. Do not ask someone to sow a seed on your behalf

6. Do not sow in fear or in doubt

7. Do not promise to sow and use the seed to offset your debts or buy goods in the market

8. Do not sow in anger, or pessimistic

One of the problems of many is that they have not known the importance of sowing a seed into a ministry.

Supporting the works of God with your seed activates a faster response from God. The kind of seeds you spend can serve as a gateway to your freedom or limit you in one spot.

Unless you sow seeds with the heart of prayers there will be no harvest. Unless you sow seeds, there can’t be lasting progress. Unless you sow seeds, there can’t be the fruit of the womb. Some people think that they are helping themselves by not sowing or they are keeping their money away from that man of God.

If you want to unlock your finances and breakthroughs, give sacrificially. Don’t give blindly. God cannot multiply anything unless you give Him something. It’s a big hindrance when you stop sowing.  It is a big hindrance when you keep looking at the clothes, shoes, belt of a man of GOD before you commit your seed into his ministry.  

When you do this as a Christian, it can even pull you down and make you crawl through the journey of life. There are people no matter your sermon on seed sowing, financial breakthrough, and strategies to make wealth they will never and conclude they will never sow into that ministry.

Once you are blessed by the teaching of the man of God, you are likely to sow into the fruit of the word of God. If you are such a person, you need to change your perception and attitude today. Because it may bring a problem that will swallow your money.

Sowing a seed is not only for some people, but it’s also for all believers whether working or not. It’s clear evidence of what is written in Matthew 7:7. One may be tempted to say that I’m not working, but may I also ask, “Do you eat? do you buy clothes? do you buy anything at all? If your answer is yes, God is providing for you. Save part of that money to sow and you will have enough to buy whatever you need. The problem of many is that they must have enough to give to God, No. God also respects
your current financial status as He never encourages anyone to steal.

When you sow a seed into a ministry, you connect to the covenant of God working in that ministry. When you sow your seed into a church ministry, you are asking God to use the pastor to deliver you.


I want us to talk about God’s formula for seed sowing. It is clear that seed work wonders and deliver our blessings to us. I want to share to us the prayers before sowing a seed into a church ministry.

Many Christians keep complaining about how they sow seeds in some church ministries and nothing changes in their lives, Business, Marriages, Professions, Education and projects etc..  

The word seed sowing needs no introduction to many but others still ask the question:


Sowing is the process of planting a seed for the purpose of growth and development.

God uses the law of sowing and reaping to extend His blessings. The Bible says Isaac, the great sower, sowed in that land and reap His blessings in that same year in many portions (Genesis 26:12).

Sowing a seed takes several times before it manifest. While others are immediate. A farmer sows a seed in expectation of something. He will not start harvesting, plucking his yields until the plant has produced enough fruits.  

The Bible says,”Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)

This Bible passage means that a man reaps what he sows. For example, if you sow in doubt or grudgingly, you will definitely reap in pains. If you sow with a clean heart, you should reap the joy of the Lord. It is possible if you sow in anger, you should expect the harvest of anger. The great Apostle Paul discusses the doctrine of the resurrection of the body, he uses the case of planting a seed to illustrate physical death. “The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body” (1 Corinthians 15:42b-44a). So, a seed may “die”  ”perish” when it falls to the ground, but that is not the end of its life (John 12:24).

There are some people who have been for several occasions under the ministry of a man of God preaching about sowing a seed. Instead of them to turn a new leaf, they will be so reluctant to give out thinking that they will be helping the pastor financially. How ignorance!

It’s very unfortunate for some people to expect a financial breakthrough for an instance when they are yet to put a single seed in the ground. So when it rains, such people will be expecting a great harvest!

Some prayer warriors, Bible study teacher, and others who have limited passion for seed sowing, they may have a serious challenge in expecting something of great from God.

Some seeds can be porous before God. Some seeds can attract curses. Some seeds can even compound one’s problems when they are done out of greediness and stinginess. If you are one of the Christian that sow a seed below God’s expectation, you only use your hands to invite cool financial problems (2 Cor 9:6) The seed to sow into a ministry includes: Offering (Luke 21:1-4), Tithe (Malachi 3:10), Free will offering (Psalm 54:6), Vows (1 Sam 1:11), Pledges, Covenant seeds, building offering etc


Numbers 23:19 – God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfil it?

By the special grace of God, we are driving towards the end of the month of October 2020, and like I read and see so many jokes and articles on the internet and on books many see 2020 as a none existing year in all forms, 2020 is a year not graded by many. Thousands Christians world over have forgetting their prophetic words as some go to the extent of making a mockery of servants of God on the prophecies that were release to them at the end of the year 2019.

There is this song I appreciate and I love to sing, the song says:-

“Who has the final say? Jehovah has the final say, Jehovah turns my life around, He makes a way where there was no way, Jehovah has the final say” ( Jeremiah 32:26-27).

Towards the end of 2019, there was great expectation of crossing into a new year/decade 2020. It was tagged in so many quarters as the year of “20 Plenty”. I keyed into the prophecy also. Prior to the New Year, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christians Church of God, Pastor E. A Adeboye in one of his admonition said the year 2020 would be a year of series of joy, victory and battle. He however assured that the battle is “not yours”

John 16:33 says “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world

Beloved, do not be distracted by this pandemic that is raging all over the world, God’s purpose is more powerful than the enemy’s plan. So many people have given up, concerning their visions and aspirations already and some are already postponing plans to 2021. The virus may be big, but our God is bigger. 2020 is still your year.

The year of Prophetic Speed, The Year of a Double Portion, The Year of Greater Grace, The year of Expansion, The Year of Solutions, The Year of Open Doors, The Year of Divine Manifestation, The Year of Crossing Over, The Year of Divine Intervention, The Year for God’s Victory, The Year of Comfort. Yes, child of God, all these words are true and will still manifest in your life, none of them was wrong, none of these words has been cancelled, the words are there waiting on you. Don’t let 2020 come to an end the words and manifestations of the prophetic words are real.

And they rose early in the morning and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Belief in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.
– 2 Chronicles 20:20

Dear friend, build up your faith in Christ Jesus, He is the Word of God. – John 1:1

Philippians 1:6 says “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”

Discard defeated thoughts and put on “I can accomplish” spirit. Remember Gold comes out valuable after passing through fire.

It may be tough now but victory is in your future. Do not give up THIS YEAR 2020 will still be your best year yet.

2 Kings 6:16:
“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

From Apostle
Senior Pastor Arena of God Ministries
22nd October 2020