Friday, October 30, 2020

Would You Be In The Number?

For the Lord, himself shall descend
 from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. – 1 Thessalonians 4:16.

Read: John 14:1-6

When parents go out of the house and tell their children that they are coming back soon, the children believe and take their parents for their words. This is because they believe that they will surely come back to the house. They also believe that Mummy and daddy have no reason to lie to them. But when they’re not forthcoming, the children begin to watch the road to see if their parents are coming. Most especially when their parents promised to get them something when returning from their outing. They don’t go to bed until they see their parents arrive home safely.

The Bible tells us in Acts 1:11, Which also said, “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven”. And our memory verse says that Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout of the archangel to take His people to Himself. Jesus Himself (just before His crucifixion) told His disciples (as He’s also telling us today) that He is going to where He came from (heaven). And that He will come back again (after He had finished preparing a place for us in heaven) to take us to Himself so that we will be with Him wherever He is.

From the word of Jesus Christ, He will be coming to take His people and only the redeemed of the Lord will be in the number. Anyone that is not yet saved through the blood of Jesus cannot be in the number. Will you be in the number? Or are you already in the number? There is no room for costly assumptions, be sure that you are in the number and don’t assume to be in the number to avoid disappointment on that day.

Today is a day for you to take a quality decision whether you will be in the number or NOT. of what good will it be unto you to gain the whole world and lose your soul? You are known as a child of God to humans does God knows you?  is your name written in the Book of LIFE? 

The fact that God has made it possible for you to read this article today is because God wants you to cross-examine your life, your relationship with Him. where will you spend eternity? Children of God a time has come in your life where you won't need that Promotion, That car, That Married, That Business, That Visa these are all manners and ways the enemy keeps occupying your mind every day. We go to church, not to  Build our relationship with God rather we get stressed up on daily bases about the Visa, we are more afraid to be rejected a visa then going to hell, we are more afraid of not getting a promotion than going to hell, we are more afraid of losing our relationships with our inlaws, our general managers, the embassy, the banks, the society than to work our salvation in a Good relationship with the Father. 

A song writes ' Today - Todayeeee - Today maybe the last day yo
u don't know, Today may be the last day you don't know brother/sister. Today - Today may be the last day you Don't know. what a good song to sing, a song of self-examination, a song of reflections, a song to rearrange your life, my dear readers just take some few minutes as you are reading right now and reflect on your life, is it wealth a relationship with God? is your life wealth being rupturable? If yes congratulations but if NO, Dear friends I owe you no apologies but to announce to you that you are a sinner. Please Church will not qualify you, Your Offerings will not qualify you, Your Tithes will not qualify you, Your Seeds will not qualify you, your giving will only make a way for you on earth to receive your blessings, you need a relationship with God your maker. the question is would you be in the number? the answer is you, the decision is you, the agreement is you, the solution is you. all I want us to know is that time is not on our side if you are playing know that your father will soon be home, all he said when living in the morning was that see you in the evening, he did not say 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm but all you know he will come in the evening but you don't know the Hour nor the day.................. God bless you for reading           

Prayer: Father Lord, on that day when you will come for Your people, let me be among the people in Jesus Mighty Name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus Christ I want you be in the number